Finding Eden

Christian - Historical Fiction
240 Pages
Reviewed on 10/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Finding Eden is a historical fiction supernatural drama by J.P. Kerwin. Millennia ago, in the village of Adam, the local winemaker, Calor, inexplicably disappeared for a few days, leading Chief Elwin to assign his historian Teller and his friend to investigate. Teller and Stride follow the clues to the River tribe, where they learn that Calor and another man were involved in barter trade, leading to their deaths. After setting up rules for barter trade, the villagers discover writing. Teller gathers a small group of seven to embark on a potentially treacherous quest to find an ancient stone that he believes holds the answers to their origins in Eden. But Satan has plans of his own and sets the River tribe against Adam's family. Will Teller's quest be successful? Will the Maker save Adam's family?

Drawing from biblical lore, J.P. Kerwin tells an absorbing tale of survival, adventure, and discovery. Finding Eden blends mythology and historical fiction to great effect. The narrative hooks you in from the first page and never lets your attention waver until the end. The plot has unexpected twists and turns, and, as a reader, you never see the betrayals, reveals, and mysteries coming as they unfold in the story. The cast of characters is large, but Kerwin does well in providing unique traits and personalities in each of the main characters that make them easy to follow. Teller feels like the protagonist of the story, and he is definitely my favorite character of the bunch. The book is primarily targeted toward Christian readers, but I believe even non-Christians will find a lot to love about this tale. If you like adventure stories, you will enjoy this one!