Finding Jesus, Peace and Unconditional Love

By Way of the Dark Night

Christian - Non-Fiction
221 Pages
Reviewed on 09/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Finding Jesus, Peace and Unconditional Love by Kristine Fontaine shares the author's life journey, in which she discusses her supportive family background and religious upbringing, and how it shaped her values. Despite experiencing challenges such as low self-esteem, feelings of unworthiness during college, and emotional difficulty that was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, Fontaine sought a deeper connection with God. Her spiritual awakening began with a curiosity about prophecy, leading her to attend a retreat that sparked her interest in mystical Christianity. Guided by spiritual director David, she engaged in centering prayer and explored themes of surrender and purpose through various readings. Fontaine took a hard look at the multifaceted nature of faith, ultimately embracing suffering as a path to resilience and divine grace while working toward solidifying her identity and relationships.

Finding Jesus, Peace and Unconditional Love by Kristine Fontaine is a wonderfully introspective and heartfelt exploration. I found Fontaine's writing to be clean and easily accessible. I really like that Fontaine moves beyond herself and onto those she talks to, digging deeper by candidly addressing the impact of childhood trauma and the reality of mental health, leaning into her professional experiences with patients facing similar battles. Fontaine's look at how surrendering to God’s will resonates deeply with many readers, particularly now, when community and supportive relationships are probably at an all-time low. Fontaine's emotional depth, especially her success in overcoming grief and redefining her prayer life, encourages readers to confront their own doubts and find solace in gratitude. Overall, this work is a moving testament to the journey of faith and the evolution of one woman's life, one which will inspire readers to seek out a true connection to faith, unconditional love, and peace.