For the Dreamers

Children - Concept
24 Pages
Reviewed on 07/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

For the Dreamers is a brightly colored children's book by Janice Kiser. The author appeals to young readers who spend time creating visually, audibly, or mentally. Kiser reasserts affirmations and encourages children to dream and visualize as they go through their day. She urges readers to add to the world and appreciate everything by expressing their gratitude. Each page is backed by a colorful design. A mother and her son wrote and designed this book in the hope that generations of people would be inspired to dream without interruption. Kiser promotes appreciation, self-confidence, imagination, and overcoming hardships so young readers can move forward with creations that may help change the world.

Janice Kiser is a kind and positive-minded author who will motivate future artists. The author encourages children to believe in themselves as little ones read her lovely lines with structured meter. With interesting illustrations by Kai Chemfe, young readers will see new possibilities or take some inspiration from the art. The drawings look like they were created by children, making them relatable to youngsters. The story may also appeal to older children, teens, and adults who have an illuminating spark and may just need a gentle reminder to pursue it. This book will soothe children's concerns and quiet their minds with its song-like words, making it a good story to read aloud before bedtime. The narrative inspires imaginations to produce glorious creations. Readers who enjoy motivational and inspirational children's books will love For the Dreamers.