
The Grail Knight (Footnail Book 4)

Christian - Historical Fiction
330 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Genesis: The Grail Knight is the fourth book in A.K. Howard's Footnail Book series. Gen Isherwood and her team have moved from her grandfather Myrddin's ranch in Dundurn, Canada, to Cornwall, England, where she is having visions of a slab of white stone broken into three pieces. Her grandfather, Myrddin, a powerful wizard, realizes those are the three pieces of the Holy Grail. Meanwhile, Amy Glover of the Amber Corporation is conducting DNA experiments that have led to Project Chameleon, an extraordinary weapon. While Isabella and O'Neal stay behind to find Candice Blackburn, Gen and the rest of the team travel to Houston, Texas, where they find the second piece of stone. But a brutal fight ensues, with the Citadel's chairman sending his thugs. Gen must now bring her team together to make the Holy Grail whole once again.

A.K. Howard combines biblical lore with Welsh mythology to deliver another captivating addition to the Footnail saga. This book excels in all three categories of an absorbing fantasy tale -- rich lore, great characters, and an action-packed plot that never lets you take your eyes off the pages. Genesis: The Grail Knight is packed with mystery, historical intrigue, and magic. There is so much to love about this book, especially the characters. Even with a large cast, Howard makes sure each character has their own compelling story arc as it adds layers to their personality. Gen, Mark, and Myrddin are as fantastic as ever, but I also enjoyed the secondary characters like Lucilius, Isabella, and O'Neal. The ending promises more to come in this engrossing fantasy saga, and I'm very much looking forward to it. A treat for fantasy fans!