Gimme Shelter

A Democracy If We Can Keep It

Non-Fiction - Cultural
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Inspired by the lyrics of the Rolling Stones' famous song, Gimme Shelter is an eye-opening book that delves into the political landscape of contemporary America. Ernst Schultze takes a deep dive into the impending threat to democracy from the recent rise of fascism and authoritarianism worldwide. Comparing today's growing political divide and pushback against right-wing nationalism to that of the 1960s, Schultze shows the parallels between the two eras, especially with Donald Trump's pandering of far-right groups that have lifted the Alt-right movement, with many among them taking part in the failed attempt of insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The author also calls out Fox News and its use of lies to sway the general populace, Putin's invasion of Ukraine, and Donald Trump's close ties with Russia at the cost of America's interests.

Ernst Schultze paints a grim yet illuminating picture of the current state of politics in America and the growing divide in the population along racial, ethnic, and religious lines. As someone who consumes a fair bit of American media, from the outside, the United States looks divided and on the brink of a potential civil war. However, social media does tend to polarize and exaggerate things. Schultze points out how much of a danger Donald Trump is and can be to the Republican Party in America, as well as a threat to the country's integrity and status as the world's leading superpower. In conclusion, this is a book I believe every American who can vote should read. I found it very informative as it explores the current American political landscape in great detail. Highly recommended!