Grandma, You Found Me!

Children - Christian
44 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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Author Biography

Deanna Nowadnick is a motivational speaker and author of four books. “Grandma, You Found Me!” is her first children’s book. Her writing has appeared in several print and online publications.

When not planning adventures with her grandchildren, Deanna provides administrative support for The Planner’s Edge, an investment advisory firm. Deanna lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Kurt.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

In the children's book, Grandma, You Found Me!, by Deanna Nowadnick, Grandma's weekly visits with her grandson, Henry, made her smile. They shared activities like walks, snacks, and picnics after Henry's experiences at preschool, summer camp, and tennis and soccer. One day at the swimming pool, Henry calls out to his grandma, "You found me!" Grandma tells Henry all the ways she has "found" him in the past and will continue to "find" him in the future. She details her memories of him and discusses the new ones they will create during future visits. Grandma explains her past, present, and future devotion to Henry with her words and ends the book with a prayer.

Deanna Nowadnick captures the love and devotion many grandparents feel in her sweet story about a child and his grandmother. Ben Young's illustrations depict a very happy boy and a proud grandmother. The book could be a great gift from a grandparent or caregiver to a child, as the message communicates enduring love and affection. Children who need reassurance they are loved will benefit from this special book with colorful pictures and an endearing message, especially if someone they love reads it to them. The story is for everyone. It is blessed by a scripture about children at the beginning and prayer after the story is finished for children to be loved by the people in their lives. Grandma, You Found Me! is a great selection for children to read with their grandmother or other loving caregiver.