Growing Houseplants for the Beginner Enthusiast

Non-Fiction - Home/Crafts
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/05/2013
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Author Biography

I am a bit of an old codger who has seen my share of life and now I devote most of my retirement years tending my garden patch. It's probably the one thing I did get a good handle on throughout my years of living..

I don't tend to be much of an expert on most things, but I do know a thing or two about gardening.

During the spring and through until fall, I am mostly found outside tending to my vegetable garden patch.

For a gardener, then comes the long dreary months waiting for spring to arrive and yes, back out to prepare my garden for planting.

I do however, put the winter months to good use by adding new articles for beginner gardeners on my website

Recently, I decided to try my hand writing books for the beginner gardener, and just recently published my first book on Amazon titled "Growing Houseplants for the Beginner Enthusiast."

I do hope you find it informative to help you keep your indoor plants healthy and vibrant.

What now? Well, I am starting a new book yes, for the beginner on "How to Grow a Successful Vegetable Garden."

But that may have to wait for a while as spring has arrived here in Arizona and you know where I’ll be.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

"Growing House Plants for the Beginner Enthusiast" by Cyril G. Bursell is a guide for any garden enthusiast. As the title suggests it is of better help to a beginner who is venturing into gardening. The author covers all the areas that a beginner would like to know. As always, a lot of questions run through one's mind before deciding to buy or do something. The author mentions that his purpose in writing the book was to make people aware of how to keep a plant alive. The book tells the reader about the type of plants that can be kept indoors and outdoors. I personally liked the chapters where the requirements for each plant are given making it easy for a garden enthusiast to follow.

I found the chapters on houseplant insects informative. Many a times I have heard garden enthusiasts complaining about pests destroying their plants and they don't exactly know what to do. The chapter extensively covers the type of pests that can attack your plant and what the remedies are to save your plants from such an attack. Plant diseases and the best type of plants that can be kept indoors are also discussed in the book. Plants that are poisonous for children, adults and pets are named. The symptoms that occur when in contact with those plants are also mentioned making it easy to understand. The topic is handled well with elan and simplicity. I thought the inclusion of a pictures of the indoor plants with the details is a very clever idea.