
Book One

Young Adult - Paranormal
400 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Leah Gonzalez for Readers' Favorite

Haunt by Nichole Calabrese centers around Gemma Leclair who can see and speak with ghosts. It’s a secret she keeps from everyone, especially the dead themselves. This makes it hard for her to feel and act like a normal teenager. After almost failing school, she moves back to Sage County to live with her grandfather. It’s her last chance to get her act together and she’s determined to make it work. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy when her new high school has its own share of ghosts, including an unknown girl who catches Gemma’s interest. When she discovers there’s no record anywhere of this girl dying, Gemma takes it upon herself to discover her identity and what happened to her, all while trying to keep her secret from coming out.

Haunt by Nichole Calabrese is an engaging paranormal mystery with interesting characters and an intriguing storyline. I enjoyed this book. Haunt is an easy read that moves at a nice pace. Gemma is a well-written character and the author does a great job of immersing the reader in what she experiences whenever she encounters a ghost. You can really feel her inner turmoil and struggle to control her emotions and physical reactions. Her experience of trying to navigate a new school and new friends is a relatable one. The mystery of the unknown dead girl makes for a gripping plot that keeps you interested until the end. Overall, Haunt is a good series starter and perfect for readers who love ghost stories and mysteries.