Hello Jaynie!

When Your Inner Thermostat Goes on a Permanent Vacation

Fiction - Womens
280 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

In Hello, Jaynie! When Your Inner Thermostat Goes on a Permanent Vacation, Linda C. Wright takes a somewhat satirical look at married women who are near their 50s and start going through menopause and how it affects their lives, the lives of their husbands, and their children. The author uses her main character Jill in the most interesting and intriguing way. This makes the reader continue following the story in the hope of finding some answers to the mess that Jill's life seems to be in, starting with her husband Nate and the incident that landed him in the hospital over the Thanksgiving weekend. How is Jill going to handle her two whiny children who are in college; then of course there is the fact of the finances or rather the lack of finances.

In Hello, Jaynie!, Jill and her dear friend Jaynie draw the reader into the story and keep them there to the end, stumbling over the various obstacles that keep appearing in Jill's path which, at times, are quite humorous but at times most annoying as the reader may feel as if these could be avoided. In her journey through the upset at Thanksgiving, Jill finds herself with a whole new career that is most unexpected and comes from the least likely person. The author uses the fact that menopause can be quite serious for women and shows us in the most delightful way how we could handle it and come out on the other side sane and with our sense of humor and marriage still intact. This is a delightfully relaxing read with a feel-good message at the end. I would highly recommend a second read as this book will certainly lift your spirits and make you realize that you are not alone in the world. I really enjoyed it!