Hey, What's On 13?

A Coming of Middle Age Tale

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
436 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Hey, What's On 13? by H. C. Woo offers a humorous and insightful look into the life of a modern-day professional caught in the corporate grind. The protagonist, a product manager, faces mounting pressures at work and in his personal life, navigating health scares, unrealistic work demands, and the nagging question of whether it’s all worth it. The story is filled with relatable moments, from the chaos of tech development to the existential musings about midlife and purpose. Woo captures the frustrations of working in a high-pressure environment where personal health often takes a backseat. The protagonist’s interactions with his colleagues and bosses are equally amusing and insightful, shedding light on maintaining a career, relationships, and a semblance of sanity.

H. C. Woo’s witty and sarcastic narrative, which explores serious themes, stands out in this novel. The main character’s inner monologue is peppered with sharp observations about the absurdity of office politics and the reality of being overworked in a fast-paced tech environment. The humor lightens the weight of the more intense moments, like when he confronts the looming possibility of heart disease and the long hours that have taken a toll on his well-being. Hey, What's On 13? is not just about the daily grind but about self-reflection and our choices when we realize that life might be passing us by. With a compelling mix of humor and heart, Woo’s novel is an entertaining and thought-provoking read for anyone who’s ever questioned the value of work-life balance. I highly recommend it.