Holidays in Trees


Children - Animals
22 Pages
Reviewed on 06/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Holidays in Trees: Christmastide by Cammy Marble is a cute children’s picture book. In Black Walnut Ridge Resort, Christmastide is on the way, and it’s going to last for 12 days. The Scamper family is getting ready to embrace the peace and love the season brings. As they wait, they decorate the house, make special, tasty goodies to eat, and play outside in the snow – not for long, though; it’s too cold. Autumn Scamper even makes gifts for those who need them most. But when Christmastide arrives, the fun really begins. Find out how as you join the Scamper family and all their neighbors for Christmastide.

Holidays in Trees: Christmastide by Cammy Marble is the fourth book in a series. It is a lovely story about the joy of Christmas. All kids will love this fun story, packed with excitement and it is action stations as the Scamper family gets ready for Christmastide. Kids can follow along with their preparations and even get some new ideas for their own Christmas celebrations. The illustrations are bright and colorful to catch the eye and help tell the story. A really fun part of the story is one that all parents and kids can join in with to make their own Christmas one to remember – the hunt for presents, a great tradition that kids are sure to love. This is the kind of story that will help kids appreciate everything that goes into making Christmas truly special, and it may just encourage them to put their own unique stamp on this time of year. It also teaches them to help those with less. Highly recommended for all young readers.

Sydney L. Smith

I love how the stories are told in the sqirrel's point of veiw, and I love the watercolored pictures.