Hotel Goodbyes

Non-Fiction - Memoir
256 Pages
Reviewed on 08/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Hotel Goodbyes by Stephen Jon Thompson is a profoundly moving memoir that navigates the turbulent waters of a childhood marked by abandonment, poverty, and uncertainty. The story begins with a poignant moment in a Reno motel room in 1980, where nine-year-old Stephen is left to care for his four younger siblings after their mother disappears. This harrowing experience sets the stage for a life of resilience, determination, and the search for answers.

Stephen Jon Thompson’s journey from a neglected child to a successful human resources executive at major tech companies is extraordinary. His ability to rise above the dire circumstances of his early life is a testament to his strength and willpower. The memoir is not just a recounting of past events; it’s a reflective piece where Thompson comes to terms with his past, acknowledging the pain and recognizing the gift of perseverance that it left him. What makes Hotel Goodbyes particularly compelling is Thompson's candidness. He doesn't shy away from the difficult truths of his life, yet he also infuses the narrative with hope and a belief in the possibility of change. His story is interwoven with lessons about breaking cycles of abuse and neglect and the importance of facing one's past to build a better future. The book is dedicated to his two sons, and it’s clear that writing it was as much about personal healing as it was about leaving a legacy of truth for them. From the moment I started reading, Thompson had me hooked. I couldn’t put it down. Hotel Goodbyes is Pulitzer-worthy.