Humane Physics

The Whole Story (No student was harmed in writing this book)

Non-Fiction - Education
455 Pages
Reviewed on 08/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Humane Physics: The Whole Story is a work of non-fiction in the education, science, and self-help subgenres. It is suitable for the general reading audience from mature teens through to adults. Penned by author Francis Mont, this highly engaging work presents the evolution of physics through a humanistic lens, blending biographical sketches, discovery stories, fundamental principles, and social significance. The book guides readers on a journey alongside historical scientists, exploring their thought processes and experiments. With no math in the first 300 pages, it aims to make physics accessible and engaging, demonstrating that it is both easy and beautiful. The final chapter, ‘Next Level,’ uses accessible high school math to prove laws and calculate escape velocity, reinforcing the book’s educational value for readers aged 16 and above.

Author Francis Mont has crafted a refreshing and enlightening educational book with a brilliant and enthusiastic approach to explaining physics through the stories of the scientists themselves. This made the subject feel more relatable and less intimidating right from the opening pages. I appreciated how the book avoided complex mathematics initially, focusing instead on the human aspects of scientific discovery until we’re locked into the concepts fully. This approach demystified physics, showing it as a discipline driven by curiosity and human ingenuity, and the narration allows readers to discover alongside the scientists of years gone by in a more interactive fashion. The anecdotes and biographical sketches added depth and personality to the fundamental principles, making the learning process enjoyable and engaging. The organization of the work was also really engaging and logically planned to build upon ideas gradually, with great visual cues and titling to help readers refer back to key segments later on. Mont's ability to present physics as accessible and beautiful was inspiring, instilling confidence in readers that they, too, can grasp and appreciate the wonders of science. Overall, Humane Physics is a valuable resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of physics in an approachable and meaningful way, and I would certainly recommend it.

Cassie Widjaja

Humane Physics - The Whole Story by Francis Mont is a comprehensive guide to the principal laws of nature, the breakthroughs in our understanding, and the scientists who contributed most to our knowledge. Writing with the belief that science truly represents the best in humanity, Francis aims to help readers understand how the universe operates so exploiters cannot fool them. By the end of this book, you should have a working understanding of the essence of science; a clear picture of concepts and laws; knowledge of key scientists and the experiments they performed; and proof for yourself that physics is easy and remarkable! This book also includes a 'Next Level' chapter for advanced readers.

If my high school teacher had recommended this book to me back then, I would have paid far more attention in physics class. Instead of focusing only on dull equations and principles, Humane Physics - The Whole Story dishes out the juicy details on how several calculations, like Earth's circumference or the moon's distance from the Earth, were developed. By reading these behind-the-scenes stories, I found it much easier to understand and remember key concepts in physics. Rather than being on pedestals that I can never live up to, these incredible scientists suddenly feel as human to me as the people I pass by on the way to school. I was fascinated by how their minds worked when faced with a difficult challenge. Francis Mont's genuine conversations with his son and his terrific explanations about how the universe works make Humane Physics an incredibly entertaining and informative read.

Makeda Cummings

Humane Physics takes readers on an exciting journey through history while exploring the subject matter of science and physics. Francis Mont covers crucial aspects of science and physics in this book--including what science and physics are, the "why" behind both fields, the different tenets and elements of physics, the various theorists involved in helping us to understand this field throughout the years, the methodology used to support those theories, the importance of physics throughout history, and its vast application in today's present world. Mont divides his book into two main sections. Section One analyzes classical physics, and Section Two examines modern physics.

In summary, Francis Mont provides his readers with a captivating history and introduction to science, physics, and their importance in our world. His book is witty, well-written, accessible, and informative. Some sections touch on advanced mathematics and equations--those were the sections that took me a while to digest. Thankfully, Mont only uses those mathematical segments to elaborate on the theoretical elements covered in his book. His main goal is to get readers to understand the philosophical aspects of physics rather than coerce readers into memorizing complex mathematical equations. Through this educational read, I gained a greater understanding of physics and the different theories that encompass this field. I like the fact that Mont gives a generous amount of credit to the theorists and scientists covered in his book. I recommend Humane Physics to college students, science fans, and persons with a growing interest in understanding the history of physics.

Gabriel Santos

Science books are a dime a dozen nowadays, ranging from standard textbooks, conceptual overviews of a field of study, texts focused on historical information, presentation of noteworthy results, etc. Among this flood of titles, Humane Physics stands out due to its ambitious scope and unique organization. It aims to provide a big-picture introduction to physics that combines historical context, biographical details, high-level concepts, mathematical explorations, philosophical discussions, and much more. Francis Mont engages the reader on an intellectually rich journey through physics, from ancient Greece to present times, covering early philosophers, classical physics, modern physics, and even unresolved and speculative ideas such as faster-than-light travel and string theory, all interspersed with logic, mathematics, discussions of the scientific method, and social and ethical considerations.

When I was younger, a handbook introducing classical mechanics from a conceptual, philosophical standpoint sparked my interest in science; this book would have worked even better as it offers a conceptual overview of physics as a whole in a multi-faceted, comprehensive approach. Despite the extensive list of topics covered, the book provides concise explanations that invite readers to contemplate each topic while remaining accessible. Those interested in diving further can find a quick math overview in the "Your Math Toolkit" section and a more sophisticated mathematical treatment of the subjects in the following part. As the author suggests, however, Humane Physics works best as supplementary material. Francis Mont references many sources for readers who want to explore a topic in depth. Overall, Humane Physics is an excellent recommendation for curious students and adults who want to understand physics.

Eric Ferrar

In Humane Physics, Francis Mont skillfully explores the history of physics and science. Mont delves into the essential principles and empirical methodologies behind physics. Furthermore, he explores different theoretical perspectives related to physics—including viewpoints by Richard Feynman, Amedeo Avogadro, Galileo, Albert Einstein, and Stephen Hawking. His book offers a thorough examination of classical and modern streams of physics. Mont even includes priceless wisdom about the practicality and importance of physics in our contemporary world. Mont's exploration of physics will help readers acknowledge, understand, and appreciate the world of science around them, thereby fostering a deep respect for humanity and themselves.

Humane Physics is a thought-provoking book that examines the philosophy behind physics. Mont does a remarkable job of explaining what physics is and how this science ties into the collective human experience. However, Humane Physics isn't to be confused with a typical school textbook. Even though this book has mathematical components, it is more intellectual than statistical. Humane Physics is my first introduction to the world of physics. Even though I am not a math genius, I can still work through some of the mathematical calculations by following the guidelines. Mont's book is easy to read and understand even for readers who aren't mathematically inclined. It will not overwhelm readers with infinite math calculations that do not explain those calculations. After reading this book, I feel very confident that I can at least explain the concept of physics to another novice in a logical way. I especially love the real-life scenarios Mont uses to clarify the scientific theories used in his book. I recommend this book to every science lover. It's a definite must-read.

Cherubimaris Casino

Humane Physics: The Whole Story by author Francis Mont offers a fascinating and insightful exploration of the evolution of physics, presented through a deeply human-centered perspective. The book effectively combines detailed biographical sketches, engaging stories of scientific discovery, and fundamental principles to make the science of physics both accessible and captivating. For readers keen on understanding the laws of physics without being overwhelmed by advanced mathematics, this is an excellent resource. The first two-thirds of the narrative is dedicated to clear explanations and historical context, while the “Next Level” chapter elegantly introduces high-school mathematics for those interested in diving deeper. The concise “Your Math Toolkit” chapter further supports readers in grasping the necessary concepts, ensuring that the book caters to a broad audience with varying levels of mathematical expertise.

Francis Mont's approach is commendable as he makes the complex concepts approachable and engaging. While the book occasionally branches into broader discussions, such as symbolic logic and societal organization, these elements add valuable context and enrich the reader's understanding of the broader implications of physics. The inclusion of diverse topics and perspectives demonstrates a commitment to offering a well-rounded view of science and its intersection with other areas of human thought. The author employs wit and wisdom throughout. Humane Physics: The Whole Story shines as a resource for youth and adults who are genuinely interested in the principles of physics and their societal significance. It offers a rewarding experience for those who appreciate a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to understanding science.