I Am

The Product of the Mentally Ill Lonely Monster—My Journal

Non-Fiction - Autobiography
174 Pages
Reviewed on 06/17/2024
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Author Biography

In the quiet moments of early 2023, Brandy found herself with a pen in hand and a heart full of stories yearning to be shared. Life, with its unpredictable twists and turns, had sculpted her into a woman both resilient and wise. Each trial she faced, each victory she seized, added a chapter to her own narrative of perseverance.

Brandy's journey was far from easy. She had walked through the storms of suffering, felt the sting of silent battles that many endure yet few speak of. It was in these moments of pain and eventual triumph that she realized her experiences were not in vain. They were, in fact, a beacon of hope for others lost in their own struggles.

Determined to turn her scars into guiding lights, Brandy began to write. Her words became a sanctuary for those who found solace in knowing they were not alone. She shared her hardships candidly, her victories humbly, and through this, a community began to form. People who had once suffered in silence now had a voice, an ally in Brandy.

Through her writing, Brandy extended a hand to those grappling with life's adversities, offering not just sympathy but a roadmap to resilience. Her stories were more than just tales; they were lifelines, reminders that even in the deepest trenches of despair, hope and healing were possible.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

I Am is a work of non-fiction in the autobiographical writing, memoir, and motivational writing genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience but contains frank discussions of trauma and mental health issues. Penned by author Brandy J. Rex, this heartfelt work is a poignant exploration of the author’s journey through the profound impact of childhood trauma inflicted by her protector. After his death, Brandy's struggles with anxiety and insecurity intensified, haunting her into adulthood. Determined to overcome her fears, she embarked on a path of self-healing through therapy and introspection. This process not only led to her own recovery but also inspired her to support others facing similar challenges. By sharing her story, Brandy found purpose and fulfillment, transforming her past pain into a source of strength and guidance for others.

Author Brandy J. Rex puts everything on the table to craft a deeply personal read that felt as if I was peering into the private journal of a deeply empathetic person grappling with the heavy shadows of her past. Brandy's candid portrayal of her struggles with the traumas inflicted by a once-trusted protector struck a chord with me, not least because of her conversational, honest tone. The narrative was raw and free-flowing, capturing the suffocating weight of insecurity and self-doubt that haunted her as if she were confessing this to a trusted friend. As Brandy fought to confront and overcome her fears, I felt a profound admiration for her resilience. Her journey through therapy and self-discovery was inspiring, showing a path to healing that was neither linear nor easy but ultimately rewarding. What resonated most was Brandy's transformation from a victim to a source of strength for others, reflecting a powerful message of hope and the healing potential of sharing one’s story. Overall, I would certainly recommend I Am to readers who have survived similar experiences and anyone interested in memoirs that come from the heart.

Frank Mutuma

Brandy J. Rex was raised surrounded by control and fear, which has had a huge impact on her life. In I Am, she tells her story. Her father was unusually cruel. The punishment he meted out to his children included electrocution and severe beatings. The children were not allowed to sit on the furniture, and he often made them drink his urine. The mother wasn't spared either, and she made no attempts to shield them, which left Brandy with so many questions. There is initial hope when Child Services intervenes, but this hope dies when they are left in the abusive home. In a sudden twist of events, the father dies from a gunshot wound. This provides relief, but it also ushers in a complex relationship with their mother. 

Autobiographies can be tedious to read, but I Am by Brandy J. Rex is a notable exception. With flashbacks and flashforwards, as she filled readers in with her life story, she ensured that the suspense was spot on, which kept me glued to my couch as I anticipated the subsequent chapters. Her story shows the dark side of humanity, but there are also some good people, like the kind nurse who attended to them after the accident. As readers go through a roller-coaster of emotions when they read this great work, they will also discover hope and resilience to reinvent themselves despite the past. It was very courageous of Brandy to share her story, and I believe it will inspire many. I am looking forward to reading something else by this author.

Jamie Michele

I Am: The Product of the Mentally Ill Lonely Monster—My Journal by Brandy J Rex begins with the author's harrowing upbringing marked by her father's abusive behavior, chronicling instances of violence, neglect, and emotional turmoil. Despite seeking intervention, her father evades accountability and Brandy is trapped in a cycle of fear and hopelessness. Following her father's death when she is still a girl, Brandy's foundational insecurity is further weakened by confusion, rebellion, and, later, teen motherhood. Brandy finds genuine solace in being a mom, but mental health issues, unhealthy relationship dynamics, and financial troubles perpetually loom. Through therapy and medication, she embarks on a journey of healing, prioritizing self-care and open communication with her children, ultimately reclaiming her sense of freedom and her life.

I Am by Brandy J Rex is an extremely difficult read as it deals with some very heavy issues. Women, children, and pets are abused, and Brandy is completely deprived of a full childhood, which is heartbreaking. I see so many moments where someone could have stepped in and just turned the tide, but the reality is that one of her parents was a master manipulator, and the other was so in love that she did not necessarily want to leave, even if given the chance. I have to respect the courage that it takes to put this story out into the universe, and Brandy does not hold anything back. The voice is raw and so too is the writing, but it feels more like a testimony than a polished memoir and I do think that suits it far better. Brandy tells us that she continues to grow and is determined to give her children a better life, and her story is proof that there can be light at the end of the tunnel. Recommended.