I'll Be There

Vignettes of an Intrepid Traveller

Non-Fiction - Adventure
326 Pages
Reviewed on 09/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Caroline Bella Kennedy’s I'll Be There: Vignettes of an Intrepid Traveller is a fascinating journey through the eyes of a fearless woman who has traversed some of the world's most treacherous terrains and rubbed shoulders with the most iconic figures of the 20th century. Her memoir takes readers from rural England's quaintness to New York's vibrancy in the early 1960s, where Kennedy’s life becomes a blend of glamour, danger, and daring escapades. The book opens with Kennedy’s whirlwind entrance into the bustling, electric world of New York City, where she mingles with celebrities like John Steinbeck, Joan Crawford, Frank Sinatra, and Salvador Dali.

Caroline Bella Kennedy's narrative stands out because of her relentless spirit and willingness to throw herself into the unknown. From surviving perilous situations with dangerous men to serving as a police decoy to catch a serial rapist in Hong Kong, Kennedy shows an extraordinary ability to adapt, survive, and thrive. Her writing is vivid and engaging, drawing readers into each vignette with a knack for capturing the essence of the places she visits and the people she encounters. Collections of photographs in several parts of the book put faces to the names of those Kennedy encountered on her life’s journey. I'll Be There is not just a book for readers who love travel memoirs but for anyone who appreciates stories of resilience, curiosity, and a zest for life. Readers of vignettes, memoirs, adventures, and celebrity life won’t want to miss Kennedy’s book. It’s a fascinating journey with a fascinating woman.