In the Dark of Night

The Men of Fire Beach Book 9

Romance - Suspense
169 Pages
Reviewed on 08/12/2024
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Author Biography

Lorana Hoopes is the USA Today best-selling author of over forty books and counting. She's originally from Texas which shows as most of her books are set in the great state. As the saying goes, "You can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take Texas out of the girl."

Lorana began writing at an early age, but it wasn't until a few years ago that she began publishing. Now, it seems she can't get the stories out fast enough. In addition to writing, she also records and produces her own audiobooks as well as audiobooks for other clean authors. Her background in theater and as a radio DJ certainly help in that area.

Though she hopes to retire soon and write full time, Lorana is still a part-time English teacher as well as a full-time mom. She has three children who are the characters in her Wishing Stone early reader chapter books and voice their parts in the audiobooks 2-5.

When not writing, Lorana can generally be found in her kickboxing gym. She also enjoys singing in the worship team at her church and acting on stage.

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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

In the Dark of Night is the ninth installment of The Men of Fire Beach series by Lorana Hoopes. Dr. Garrett Young, a pediatrician, has had enough of Chicago after a broken relationship and arrives in the coastal town of Fire Beach, hoping to start his life anew. He joins the Fire Beach Hospital, where he meets the beautiful pediatric nurse, Renee Mackey. Both Garrett and Renee feel an intense mutual attraction. However, their pasts make them hesitant to take the next step in their relationship. While attending to patients at an immigrant camp, Garrett is attacked. Meanwhile, he treats a kid who he suspects has been poisoned. When someone unexpectedly kidnaps Garrett, it's up to Renee and his brother, Officer Clay Young, to find him and rescue another innocent life.

Lorana Hoopes touches upon themes of redemption, faith, and hope in this riveting tale of love against all odds. In the Dark of Night is packed with romance, mystery, suspense, and intrigue. The plot is evenly paced and contains a couple of twists and turns that will pull the rug from under the feet of even the most ardent of thriller enthusiasts. However, the primary highlight of the book remains the love story between Garrett and Renee. The two main characters share much in common, including their faiths and complicated past relationships with other people. As a reader, you want to see them end up together. The ending wraps everything up with a nice little bow, and I found it immensely satisfying. Readers of contemporary romance will love this book.