Infinity Tales

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
198 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

M.C. Ryder's Infinity Tales follows the adventures of an extraordinary cat who stumbles into an immortal life. Taken away from his mother at a young age, a kitten finds a loving home with a caring owner until tragedy strikes and the owner dies, leaving Leo alone in the outside world. Leo eventually finds his way into the arms of Nadine, a young woman, and her mom. However, one day, when Nadine goes missing, her mom is attacked by strangers. Leo tries to defend her, but the attacker mortally wounds him, and Leo wakes up to find himself becoming stronger, faster, and more intelligent than ever. He also discovers that he has become immortal and that Nadine is a vampire. As the war between the vampires, canines, and humans rages on, Leo must help others keep their darkness at bay.

Infinity Tales is, at its heart, a collection of interconnected supernatural tales narrated through the perspective of an immortal vampire cat. M.C. Ryder does a masterful job of capturing a cat's psyche and bringing it seamlessly onto the pages through her portrayal of Leo. The cast of characters is large as Leo the cat narrates the tales, and new characters come and go throughout Leo's long life. For the first fifty pages or so, Leo lives the life of an ordinary housecat, but after a dramatic event, the story takes a supernatural turn from which there is no turning back. Ryder's plotting is truly unpredictable. The characters are distinct and very well realized, with hidden layers to their personalities that get slowly peeled away with the turning of the pages. This book is for cat lovers and supernatural fiction readers alike.