Inside, Part 1

Fiction - Dystopia
437 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

Inside: Part 1 by Kyra Anderson is a dystopian cautionary tale set seventy years after the Second Revolutionary War. A central government runs the US, and the war is just history for Lily Sandover. However, when Lily’s father is promoted to the central government, she is pulled into a world where dark secrets and dirty politics are the norm. Being integrated into the Commission of the People means far more than Lily can imagine. She now lives in a world where the most horrific secrets are kept, and her conscience burdens her. She is determined to expose the darkness within the Commission, especially the appalling schemes to weaponize humans and the insidious program of genetic transformation. What tools does she have, and can she face the odds stacked against her?

Inside: Part 1 examines the dark world of politics, power, and corruption. The story is compelling as Kyra Anderson explores Lily’s inner thoughts and emotions with unusual skill. The vivid descriptions and imagery create an atmosphere that immerses the reader in the story's world. The author explores themes of identity, morality, and the consequences of one's actions. The characters are well-developed and complex, with motivations that are not always clear-cut. Apart from Lily, a genuinely flawed and multidimensional character, readers encounter other finely drawn characters, such as Dana Christenson, the head of the Commission of the People. Christenson is a powerful and enigmatic figure who is shrouded in mystery. The supporting cast is equally well-developed. Inside: Part 1 offers resonant themes and a political atmosphere that reflects what is most dreaded by many in the contemporary American political landscape. It is skillfully written, and the first-person narrative voice is impeccably accomplished.