Instantaneous Miscellaneous

A Jester's Take On Life

Poetry - General
80 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2023
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Author Biography

Author of "Instantaneous Miscellaneous: A Jester's Take On Life."

Michael has been active in the recovery community for over a decade.

He studied Criminal Justice and Psychology at Stephen F. Austin State University, in Texas.

His writings focus on acceptance of mortality, morality, mental illness, addiction, hope, faith, recovery, and the Nature of God.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Astrid Iustulin for Readers' Favorite

A good poetry collection enables the reader to understand and share the feelings and emotions of the writer. This happens to poetry lovers who delve into the world that Michael Thomas Huch presents in his poetry collection Instantaneous Miscellaneous: A Jester's Take On Life. The author recounts his experience, fears, sense of impotence, and pain in this book. He believes that readers who are going through a difficult moment in their lives will be able to find solace and the certainty of not being alone in these poems. It is an intimate and heartfelt poetic portrait.

Instantaneous Miscellaneous: A Jester's Take On Life deeply impressed me. Michael Thomas Huch has an original way of conveying his vision of the world, and I must say that the words he uses had a strong impact on me. Readers will understand very well his sense of unease and his desperate hope that God exists. Overall, I did not feel like I was reading just poems but rather a consistent and detailed account of the author's life and what he had to endure. It was an incredible experience. I recommend this book to all those who know how to put themselves in another person's shoes and love to read poetic collections that reveal the most private feelings of another human being. I also invite people looking for something that makes them understand that they are not alone to check out this book; here, they will find the comfort they need.