
A Collection of My Fervent Prayers

Christian - General
285 Pages
Reviewed on 09/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

In his book, Intercessor, Justin K Kojok compiled prayers for everyone as they walk on their spiritual journey. Christian in nature, the prayers are tied to scripture and the author's time in meditation with the Lord. The entries focus on many topics, like love, happiness, and worry. Kojok covers concerns about the community, family and friends, the needy, and local and country-specific leaders. The author lists a verse from the Bible and supplies a prayer consistent with its meaning. Readers may look at each prayer, but can also focus on the ones pertaining to their current needs. Kojok hopes to deepen his readers' connection to God.

Justin K Kojok guides readers through many things we may want, like wisdom and freedom from anxiety, with heartfelt words that encompass the need for our Heavenly Father in everything we do. With clear and conscious words and a rich vocabulary, Kojok invites you to pray the prayers and seek solace within the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father. You may find prayers that seem like they are just for you and your situation and see something you want in the genuine lines but never thought to ask God for it - like to be in alignment with the Holy Spirit. As I read, a peaceful feeling washed over me, consistent with when I give my worries to the Lord. Kojok's devotions may help individuals who want to pray but don't always have the words to describe their feelings and give others another avenue for spiritual growth. Whether you're brokenhearted or ready to shout gratitude and joy, Intercessor will speak to your heart and help strengthen your prayer life.