Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement?

Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
178 Pages
Reviewed on 06/20/2024
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Author Biography

Russell K. Jack, a retired US Senior Federal Air Marshal and a new author, is deeply committed to defending democracy, which is currently under attack by the terrorist group known as MAGA (Make America Great Again). He believes that his book Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement? and his website,, are crucial tools in promoting critical thinking about protecting our democracy and understanding the imminent threat we face.

Jack's book is not just a catharsis for his struggles with patriotism versus the MAGA movement, but also a unique guide for engaging in a debate with any MAGA supporter. It is a comprehensive, fact-checked account that delves into a wide array of MAGA's terrorist and criminal acts. The author's personal experiences, including working with fellow agents who openly supported MAGA while employed by the federal government, provide a unique insight into the movement.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Viga Boland for Readers' Favorite

It has been said by many, and denied by MAGA, that January 6 was an insurrection. In Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement?, author Russell Jack asserts, to my mind rightfully so, that this was an act of domestic terrorism. Fellow Americans in the line of duty were killed by those who “consider America, as it is now, a failure.” They believe that to make America great again they need to restore “traditional American values.” Their method to make that a reality is to ban books and not teach the ugly truths of America’s past; to reverse women’s rights; to legislate against LGBTQ, and most of all to have “complete control of federal, state, and local governments." Is this the America to which so many who have been oppressed in their own countries have wanted to escape? It sounds like the only difference would be location.

In chapter 2, Russell Jack assumes, probably correctly, that if you are MAGA, you will most likely put this book back on the shelf. If you do, chances are you are, as was stated by a commentator on the Morning Joe Panel today, one of the millions of MAGA followers who are “allergic to facts.” So this book will not be to your liking as it has been "exhaustively fact-checked.” As for the rest of us non-MAGA types, this is an often eye-opening, most informative read, if only to clarify the almost inexplicable, and dangerous hold “the big lie” perpetrated by Donald Trump continues to have on members of the MAGA cultists. Russell Jack believes that MAGA “is a greater threat to our liberal democracy than any other organization in the world.” That’s a mighty strong statement, but when you read this enlightening book based on established (not alternative) facts, you will agree with Jack. Does the author just lament and criticize? Not at all. He offers the most viable solution to those Americans who don’t want America to become a dictatorship: learn the facts about the MAGA movement, discuss the issues, reject the MAGA tout that their way is the only true way, and vote wisely. Begin by reading this book!

Grant Leishman

Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement? By Jack Russell is a reasoned and well-researched effort to define the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement, what it believes in, and whether it poses a serious and direct threat to the country’s peace, harmony, and security. The author, after a lifetime spent in both the military and law enforcement, is perfectly placed to comment on MAGA and its leader; former President Donald Trump. He looks at the origins of MAGA and explains the real danger and threat it poses to America’s constitutional democracy. Readers may be surprised to learn that the tenets of MAGA go far beyond the day that Trump rode down the escalator in Trump Tower. He will outline the basic aims of the movement and more importantly explain how ordinary Americans can defend themselves and their rights as well as argue cogently against the more rabid MAGA fanatics in our communities and families. The author also outlines his ideas and plans to defeat the threat from this movement that threatens to steal Americans’ hard-earned freedoms from them.

In many ways, I have been waiting for a book such as Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement? What we have seen to date, especially in the media, has been a willingness to call out MAGA lies but strange deference towards its leader Donald Trump simply because he is a former President. Author Jack Russell certainly has the credentials to comment on whether MAGA should be seen as an existential threat to the freedom and rights of individual Americans. As a former military and law enforcement officer he has been on the frontline of the battle to preserve the Constitution and defend America from enemies without and within. It will perhaps come as no shock to readers to understand that many of those inside the government, especially in law enforcement and the military, are MAGA and rabidly pro-Trump. What the author does exceptionally well is to cogently argue why we should not be surprised but also why their support of this movement is in direct opposition to the terms of the Oath of Allegiance they swore and, indeed, all government employees are required to swear upon taking up office or employment. What I particularly appreciated about this book was that the author clearly defined the terms he was talking about. A perfect example of this is the terms “woke” and “liberal.” This has been constantly employed by the right to denigrate anyone who dared to speak out against the constant bullying of those who are perceived as being different. After the author’s clear definition of the words, I have to say that I am proud to be both woke and liberal. This is a book for its time and I would urge all Americans to read it. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

Keith Mbuya

Perhaps the most dangerous situation ever, besides a democracy facing a foreign threat, is a democracy facing a domestic threat. This is why Americans must deal with the danger disguised as MAGA (Make America Great Again) before it is too late. While MAGA represents the American dream, far-right extremists have co-opted it into a movement advocating their extremist ideologies. These ideologies, in a nutshell, threaten America’s democracy, and will wipe out all the revolutionary milestones the nation has achieved throughout the past decades. How? Get yourself US Senior Federal Air Marshal, Retired, Russell K. Jack’s Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement? Discover how the far-right wing plans to achieve this under the leadership of Donald Trump, what exactly their ideologies are, and how Americans can mitigate this threat to save the future of their democratic freedom.

Russell K. Jack’s Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement? is a must-read for all American citizens and fans of political nonfiction books. Using heavily researched facts, historical references, and anecdotes, the author gave me a front-row seat in the arena of American politics, insightfully detailing the nation’s rich political history, the depth of the disparity between the Democrats and the Republicans, and the implications of each party’s ideologies to America's democratic freedom. Jack’s thought-provoking questions, commentary, and first-person perspective voice make reading this book feel like having a one-on-one conversation with him. This book is not a critique aimed at attacking Republicans and what they stand for, nor is it meant to vouch for Democrats and their policies. It is an uncensored and enlightening expose of the agenda behind the MAGA movement to hold American democracy hostage and turn America into a fascist state.

A. Jay

Completely agree!

A. Jay

Completely agree with author and review comments.