Island to Icon

The Many Lives of Bob Denver

Non-Fiction - Music/Entertainment
144 Pages
Reviewed on 08/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

If you grew up in the 1960s, you probably have many fond memories of your family gathered around the TV watching Gilligan’s Island. Dreama Denver (Bob’s wife for over twenty-five years) shares stories and news clippings from Bob’s life in Island to Icon: The Many Lives of Bob Denver. As you read this book, you will feel like Bob is sitting beside you, sharing his life’s stories as you look at the pictures of many of the best-known actors from the 50s and 60s. One of the interesting stories is that one of Bob’s favorite books as a child was Robinson Crusoe. He lived the dream many years later through Gilligan’s Island. The number of enjoyable memories this book elicited gave me happiness for some time. Other information and clippings show Bob’s various TV and stage work. Bob brought happiness to everyone he met and continues spreading that joy through reruns and his wife’s books about him. I recommend this book for a relaxing trip down memory lane.

Who would have guessed that a baby born in New Rochelle, NY, on January 9, 1935, would provide humor to the world for over sixty years? Bob Denver did exactly that. Dreama Denver shared almost half his life as his wife and is now the biographer of one of the greatest comic actors. Her book about Bob, Island to Icon, is basically a scrapbook interlaced with stories of Bob’s work and friends. Dreama's conversational style makes the reader feel like a close friend sharing stories of one of the influencers of the 1960s and 70s. This book is not just about Bob’s professional life but shares many stories about his personal life and the lives of many actors from that time. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a wonderful walk down memory lane as you learn more about Bob Denver and his life.

Doreen Chombu

Island to Icon: The Many Lives of Bob Denver by Dreama Denver is a heartfelt tribute to her husband and iconic actor Bob Denver on the 60th anniversary of his show, Gilligan's Island. The book is a photo album that showcases his journey to stardom and the memorable characters he portrayed. Through engaging anecdotes, Dreama recounts Bob’s journey from an aspiring actor to a beloved television star, sharing memorable moments from his career, including his appearances in other TV series and movies like The Good Guys and Dusty’s Trails. She also shares personal stories that highlight their love story, such as their first meeting on the set of a Woody Allen play, and unique experiences like visiting the White House and meeting Bob’s family. The book highlights Bob's legacy as not just an entertainer, but as a beloved figure in pop culture, whose influence endures long after the show's original airing.

Island to Icon offers a captivating exploration of Bob Denver's multifaceted career, delving into his lasting influence on television and the lives of his loved ones. The book captures the nostalgia and fondness fans feel for Denver, particularly through his iconic role as Gilligan, highlighting how his work became an integral part of many people's lives and a source of joy across generations. The book serves as a biography taking readers down memory lane, and giving them a glimpse into Bob’s personal and professional life. From newspaper cutouts to family snapshots, the pictures capture pivotal moments that shaped Bob’s journey, showcasing his achievements, cherished relationships, and the milestones that defined him. Each image tells a story, allowing readers to connect with Bob not just as a figure of interest, but as an individual whose experiences resonate on a personal level. Overall, this is an amazing book and a must-read for Bob Denver and Gilligan’s Island fans.

Pikasho Deka

Since its debut in 1964, Gilligan's Island became one of the most popular sitcoms of the 20th century. Its star and main lead, Bob Denver, carved his name into the hearts of the American public for decades down the line. In Island to Icon, actress and award-winning author Dreama Denver presents a family photo album to celebrate the life and career of one of the icons of American television history. Born into a typical American household in Rochelle, NY, Bob was the youngest of four children in his family. He found his calling as an actor while playing Shakespeare's Falstaff as a student at Loyola Marymount. He got drafted into the Army but didn't pass the physical, which enabled him to work in his breakthrough role. Dreama's first encounter with him was while she was doing theater.

Island to Icon pays homage to the life and legacy of an American comedic actor who played arguably the most famous Beatnik character on television. Dreama Denver paints a vivid and colorful tapestry of Bob Denver's life, showcasing his achievements and accolades through old photographs, newspaper articles, letters, and excerpts from his biography. This book is an ode to a loved one in the best possible way. While Bob's experiences are unique to his life, Dreama presents them in a way that makes them personable and relatable to the reader. The book is engaging and makes you want to learn more about Bob Denver. I was thoroughly invested in Bob's story, and Dreama's writing made it all the more enjoyable. If you grew up in the 1970s and 80s watching reruns of Gilligan's Island, do not miss out on this book!