It's Never Been a Level Playing Field

Overcoming 8 Racial Myths to Level the Field

Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
546 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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Author Biography

Steve Brigham is a leader in the public engagement field who, for the past 24 years, has known great success as a facilitator, consultant, and designer of complex public meetings and community-building processes on critical public policy issues.

He has facilitated numerous national and international forums.

Since 2010, his bread-and-butter consulting has focused primarily on local and metro D.C. issues, such as land use policy, affordable housing, transportation, support for BIPOC business owners in jeopardy of displacement, economic development, and public school redistricting.

In the past decade, Steve’s work and volunteer time have increasingly tackled racial equity and equitable development issues.

Steve is the proud father of two bi-racial children and lives in Prince George's County, MD.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

It's Never Been a Level Playing Field: Overcoming 8 Racial Myths to Level the Field is a work of non-fiction in the social justice, sociocultural issues, and self-help genres. Penned by author Steve Brigham, this highly engaging work examines and debunks eight pervasive myths that sustain racial inequality in America. Each chapter scrutinizes a particular myth, such as the notion of equal opportunity and the systemic disparities in housing, education, and justice. The book reveals how White-oriented systems and cultural beliefs have historically favored White individuals, perpetuating racial inequities. Brigham exposes the illusions of a fair playing field, explores how these myths reinforce systemic biases, and proposes transformative policies for creating a more equitable society. It serves as both an insightful analysis and a call to action for racial justice.

Author Steve Brigham crafted a profoundly enlightening read with a meticulous dissection of racial myths that certainly opened my eyes even further to the deep-rooted inequities perpetuated by systemic biases in the world today. The exploration of myths surrounding equal opportunity and the persistent disparities in housing, education, and justice was both eye-opening and disheartening, and the organization of these topics makes it easy for anyone seeking to refer back or reference the issues at another time. The clear, compelling arguments against the illusion of a level playing field challenged me to reconsider my understanding of racial inequality in America. Brigham's confident and insightful analysis of White-oriented systems and their historical impact highlighted the urgent need for systemic change. There’s a clarity and passion to his narrative quality that is easy to read and highly compelling, and his call to action feels genuine and urgent, laced with an energy for change that stays with you long after you set the work down. Overall, It's Never Been a Level Playing Field is a highly recommended read for anyone who needs to know more about injustice and wants inspiration for positive change.