Jumpstart Your Workplace Culture

A Road Map For Igniting High Performance

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
240 Pages
Reviewed on 07/13/2024
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Author Biography

Thousands of books have been written about leadership and workplace culture, but many rely too much on abstract philosophy and head-scratching jargon. In Jumpstart Your Workplace Culture, Eric Stone breaks through the noise to give readers a practical road map for fostering a culture that yields results year in and year out. Influenced by his quarter-century of experience with one of America's most beloved brands, the book is loaded with interviews from senior corporate executives as well as real-life examples and anecdotes. With a distinctive approach that balances flexibility and accountability, Eric digs deep into his accumulated wisdom and experience to help readers know when—and how—to redirect their culture or take a new route. He equips you with everything you need to ignite and maintain a workplace that runs smoothly . . . and never again needs a jumpstart.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Randy B. Lichtman for Readers' Favorite

One of the best “owner’s manuals” I’ve ever read on developing a positive culture in your business organization is Eric D. Stone’s Jumpstart Your Workplace Culture: A Road Map For Igniting High Performance. The importance of ownership by leaders and team members is an important foundation for the culture of any organization. Using analogies to taking your company on a road trip through leadership, Mr. Stone has written an excellent manual including specific steps to follow with examples from his own leadership journey as evidence of success. His experience provides guidance and excellent stories illustrating how developing and implementing a positive roadmap can lead to a successful journey for businesses.

Each chapter provides a major step to building a positive culture including holding meaningful meetings and getting to know your employees (the “test drive”); developing and holding a summit on your organization’s “road map”; the importance and techniques of training your people; managing from your moral compass; and change management. It concludes with the importance of people management, engaging your team, and the importance of culture as well as an excellent chapter on how to assess your organization’s cultural effectiveness (“checking under the hood”). The “six-point inspection” focuses on six important areas of focus: engagement; customer satisfaction; cultural values; diversity, equity, and inclusion; retention; and profit and growth. This final chapter provides additional guidance and brings us back to the excellent guidelines and experience illustrated throughout the book. The book is entertaining and complete with practical information on how to improve the culture of any business organization. I would evaluate this book to be one of the best on practical organizational development and culture. Eric D. Stone truly provides a road trip on how to make a difference in leading your organization by focusing on improving its culture. I highly recommend this enlightening book to plan the next steps of your organization's road trip to success.