Killing the Alien

Finding the Light on a Cancer Journey

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
85 Pages
Reviewed on 07/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jefto Pierre for Readers' Favorite

Killing the Alien depicts an emotional, thought-provoking, and earnest account of Stephanie Lopuszynski's battle against cancer. In her candid memoir, the author shares her personal experiences with the world. This memoir guides us through the stages of her cancer diagnosis, the actual cancer treatment, and the different changes she experienced throughout it all--for example, the physical, mental, and emotional changes she had to undergo during her battle. Lopuszynski provides readers with feedback on chemotherapy and its effects on her body and recovery process. This book offers readers practical guidance on charting the entire medical system, safeguarding oneself as a patient, standing up for one's rights, seeking support, and having an optimistic attitude despite the challenges.

Killing the Alien provides an unwavering and honest approach to fighting cancer. It's also sprinkled with satire, humor, and personal anecdotes. Stephanie Lopuszynski's book is thorough and precise. It will offer persons in a similar situation the reassurance and helpful counsel they seek. It also does a fantastic job of preparing persons who need to support individuals diagnosed with cancer. The writing style is emotional and sympathetic—thus, the book is easy to comprehend and digest. The author describes cancer as an intrusive alien, thereby clarifying and debunking the fear associated with this disease. Her emphasis on support systems and personal care are concerns she discusses in detail. Rest assured, this book covers everything you should consider when fighting against cancer. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, you don't have to go through this journey alone. Pick up a copy of Killing the Alien.