Kindness... Little Things We Do Can Make A BIG Difference!

Children - Social Issues
36 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Lisa Ayotte has written another great children’s book highlighting many ways to spread kindness in homes, schools, and communities. In Kindness... Little Things We Do Can Make A BIG Difference! Lisa creates different scenes using the Punny Peeps to illustrate the suggested kindness. Every day is a new day to show kindness to others and yourself. Random acts of kindness may be as simple as sharing a smile or as active as volunteering in a soup kitchen. Anyone can perform these different acts of kindness at any age. As a society, we all must show kindness. Lisa includes discussion questions and a fill-in-the-blank section to make the book even more exciting for young readers. Your children will fall in love with the Punny Peeps and want to make some of their own.

Lisa Ayotte is a creative genius who uses the Punny Peeps to illustrate her children’s books. In Kindness... Little Things We Do Can Make A BIG Difference! Lisa tackles the importance of sharing kindness with all those around us. Using arts and crafts, Lisa illustrates her words in a way all children will enjoy. Each picture will enable young readers to spend time finding objects that will inspire them to show kindness in different ways. Be sure to spend time with your child discussing different ways they can show kindness daily. Help your child put their plans to show kindness into action. Discussing ways children can show kindness will pay big dividends. They will learn how to be more productive citizens and spread joy to all those around them. I highly recommend this book to parents who want to help their children become kinder to others and themselves.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Have you been kind to someone today? Do you know what kindness is? In Lisa Ayotte’s Kindness… Little Things We Do Can Make A BIG Difference!, the Punny Peeps are on a mission to share some of the things they do to show kindness. Did you know that just sharing a smile can be a sign of kindness. Your smile brightens the day for someone who might need a little cheering up. Kindness also means helping out with chores around the house, like the laundry or the dishes. It can also mean leaving a treat for the delivery person or surprising your teacher with a gift. Being kind is oh-so easy to do. And the best part of being kind is that it makes you feel good, too.

Lisa Ayotte’s picture book, Kindness … LittleThings We Do Can Make A BIG Difference!, takes our favorite Punny Peeps characters, the ones who love to share a punny story or silly pun, and uses them to teach us about something very important: kindness. The language is very simple to help young readers follow along. Each page is a new kindness idea, told in two lines, with a bright, bold, and colorful illustration of the Punny Peeps performing the kindness task. With all the kindness ideas being shared, the young reader will be excited to share some ideas of their own. Kindness goes beyond the smiles, the thoughtful words like please and thank you, and the simple greetings like hello. Kindness is everything we do for the well-being of others and ourselves. Yes, we have to be kind to ourselves, too. Loved the book; I always love these Punny Peeps characters.

Pikasho Deka

Our every action changes the world in one way or the other. So why not be kind to everyone and make the world a better place to live? The Punny Peeps are back and they are ready to show you why and how we should be kind and help others to spread joy and happiness. Kindness... Little Things We Do Can Make A Big Difference! by Lisa Ayotte is a picture book with some important lessons on the value of kindness. When you greet someone with a smile, it instantly brightens their day. When you raise money for charity, it helps those in need. From taking care of pets to helping your parents do the laundry, practicing kindness takes many forms. Find out the different ways you can be kind and helpful toward others.

Learn to live each day by doing things that make you and others happy with Kindness... Little Things We Do Can Make A Big Difference! This fun-filled picture book is for young readers to teach them how every little action matters and that being kind and gracious toward others makes people treat us the same. Lisa Ayotte takes a refreshingly unique approach to presenting the content, using photos of carefully built sets featuring toys and sometimes pets to appeal to young readers. Children are bound to love the book's colorful pages, and the lessons will slowly but surely resonate with them. These lessons are very much applicable in our everyday lives, even for adults. So grab a copy and do your part to change the world!

Amy Louise Hill

Kindness... Little Things We Do Can Make A BIG Difference! by Lisa Ayotte is a fun and educational picture book for young children. If you wish to show your little one how much you love them or teach them how many ways there are to show kindness, then this book is perfect for doing exactly that. We all know how to show someone we care for them, whether it's by telling them straight to their face, cooking for them, or even cleaning up a mess. After reading this book, children will know exactly how to show their loved ones they care, whichever way they choose to do so. So what are you waiting for? Pick up a copy of this beautiful book and let the love and affection commence.

Kindness... Little Things We Do Can Make A BIG Difference! was a pleasure to read. Every page is jam-packed with ways you can show someone you love them, and I adored that it is the theme of the book. Lisa Ayotte is a talented author and artist. I loved her artwork in this book as it isn't something I've come across often: it's unique and works perfectly. I liked the questions Lisa included at the end as it's a great way to help your child fully understand kindness. I'd recommend reading this with your little one at bedtime to remind them every night just how much you love them. Keep up the great work, Lisa. I hope to see more of your writing and artwork in another book soon.