
Book Three in Raven's Record series

Fiction - Science Fiction
352 Pages
Reviewed on 06/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Kon-Tiki by Debbie Hightower is book three in the Raven's Record series, which begins in book one amid widespread smoke and ashes when emergency responders rescue survivors and officials hide details of a deadly event. One survivor isn't having it, fighting to reveal the truth. Book two is set after North America's destruction when Earth sends pioneers to colonize Planet Equinox in the Proxima Centauri system. To survive, colonists must unite, overcome past mistakes, and adapt to their new world's challenges. In Kon-Tiki, a cataclysmic event has officials trying to restore normalcy in the US, unaware of a looming global threat. General Leonard Bardick learns of an enemy planning planetary destruction. Humanity's survival hinges on establishing a colony on Equinox, facing challenges including rocket design and internal conflicts on the Kon-Tiki.

“I think we should name it the Kon-Tiki.” Debbie Hightower's Kon-Tiki thrusts readers into a high-stakes race from the outset as the looming threat of losing groundbreaking technology continues to be a pressing theme. Hightower subtly builds her world through descriptions that offer glimpses into the settings, culture, and technology of the many different characters, which gives us a deep immersion. Subtlety is key to this, especially in a genre where there is a propensity toward exposition, which Hightower skillfully avoids. What I love most about this book and how it is written is the way it leans into pertinent contemporary issues such as wealth inequality, refugee crises, and corporate power dynamics, allowing us to reflect on real-world issues and their potential implications in a futuristic setting. Fans of the series will be happy to know that the fourth book is already out, so there's no wait for those wanting to continue the adventure. Very highly recommended.