Laddie and Nash Learn to Bake

Children - Picture Book
34 Pages
Reviewed on 06/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Laddie and Nash are Papa Buck’s two fur babies who want to be like Buck, who owns Buck’s Best Batch. Anita Hinson Cauthen tells their story in Laddie and Nash Learn to Bake. This engagingly written picture book for children follows the adventures of Laddie and Nash as they learn the skills and enjoyment of baking. Early one morning, the two secretly catch a ride on Papa Buck’s van to learn what he does at his bakery. They hide and watch Papa Buck hard at work until he goes to take a break. As he is napping, the two puppies try making sweets, but they find it is not as easy as it looks. The hilarious outcomes will delight your child, and the lessons learned will serve them into adulthood. Among other things, they will learn always to be proud of what they do.

Anita Hinson Cauthen’s Laddie and Nash Learn to Bake is a delightful children’s read. Anita helps children understand that curiosity is normal and is one of the ways children learn about the world around them. Tim Stringer's beautiful and colorful illustrations add even more humor to the story. As a parent, one of your jobs is to teach your children life skills while keeping them safe. Children should not use electric mixers or put cakes in a hot oven alone. As they grow up, they can safely use machines after receiving instructions on how to use them properly. At the end of the book, there is a recipe for Tea Ball Cookies so you and your children can practice safe baking skills. Spend time with your children discussing curiosity, kitchen safety, what they want to be when they grow up, nutrition, and doing well in any job they have. I recommend this book to all since cooking is a vital life skill.

Pikasho Deka

Laddie and Nash Learn to Bake is a children's picture book by Anita Hinson Cauthen. Laddie and Nash have a happy family living with Papa Buck, who drives each morning to his bakery, Buck's Best Batch, where he bakes mouth-watering sweets. One day, Laddie and Nash decide to follow Papa Buck's van and see this mysterious bakery where all kinds of tasty delights are made. Once they reach Buck's Best Batch and see Papa Buck take a break for a quick nap, the two pups try to taste all the sweets and cakes, accidentally making a mess in the kitchen. Now, Papa Buck is awake and ready to teach them a lesson on baking. Laddie and Nash soon learn that a lot of work goes into baking these cookies, pies, buns, and cakes that everyone loves.

Treat yourself to a culinary adventure like no other with Laddie and Nash Learn to Bake. Featuring two adorable pups as the central characters, Anita Hinson Cauthen presents a fun-filled picture book to delight young readers and cake lovers alike. If you have a sweet tooth, this is the book for you. Using both rhyme and prose, the author tells a humorous tale that will make you laugh while teaching some valuable baking lessons. Cauthen's characters are so lively and full of quirks that you can't help but be entertained. Tim Stringer's illustrations are the icing on the cake ( no pun intended) as they enrich the read. The story also sends a beautiful message about having a passion for the things you love to do. Recommended to children below the age of ten!

Laura Imaz

Anita Hinson Cauthen's Laddie and Nash Learn to Bake tells the story of Laddie and Nash, a formidable pair of puppies, and their struggle to learn how to run a bakery. Every day as Papa Buck goes to his shop, Buck's Best Batch, this cute duo wonders what delicacies he might be making. However, unable to resist their curiosity, they decide to follow him and find out what this mystery bakery offers. Will Lassie and Nash master the scoop, weigh, mix, and baking techniques after a few mishaps and a minor fight, or will they fail? Embark on a delicious adventure with this cute pair and learn how to make the finest tea ball cookies ever!

Laddie and Nash Learn to Bake is about two puppies who discover how much labor goes into owning a successful bakery. I appreciated how authentic author Anita Hinson Cauthen made this book feel because it's often underestimated how difficult running a bakery can be, and this book demonstrates that well. I believe it is necessary to teach this to children, and what better approach than with puppies and lovely illustrations? I enjoyed all the illustrations by Tim Stringer; they genuinely enhance the reading experience. I appreciated how Papa Buck handled the puppies' mess since it demonstrated how to resolve issues maturely. The recipe at the end of the book is an excellent bonus. I highly suggest this book to anyone who enjoys pets and tasty baked treats. Is there anything better?