
A Yogi’s Memoir in Pieces & Poses

Non-Fiction - Memoir
308 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mansoor Ahmed for Readers' Favorite

Landed: A Yogi’s Memoir in Pieces & Poses by Jennifer Lang is a deeply personal narrative of self, family, and community through the framework of yoga and the physical and geographical experiences in both the United States and Israel. The protagonist of this narrative, Lang, shares the story of her struggles with religious practices, losing her cultural heritage, and other issues while emphasizing the role of yoga as a salvation. The book is divided into chapters by yoga poses and accompanying musings that intertwine yoga practice and the experience of marriage, motherhood, and living in Israel. In short and powerful episodes, the author exposes the joyful and painful moments of building a nest in a territory that sometimes seems distant, although it represents a fundamental value.

Jennifer Lang is a precise, vivid writer who combines poetry and sharp analysis in her narrative. The short, choppy sections mimic the emotional turbulence she felt throughout her life and allow the reader to ponder. The narrative flow is smooth, which gives the reader time to immerse themselves in Lang's philosophical musings and at the same time follow her journey. The issues of identity and the author's quest for self-acceptance are essential and are the main components of the memoir. While reading, I was impressed by Lang's ability to blend personal anecdotes with universal themes, making her story relatable to a wide audience. The combination of deep physical and emotional practice, alongside individual and life events, makes Landed a most engaging memoir for anyone interested in personal development, spirituality, and intercultural phenomena.