Lazarus of Bethany

Uncovering the Theology Behind Jesus Raising Lazarus From the Dead (Organic Faith Book 3)

Christian - Devotion/Study
158 Pages
Reviewed on 06/09/2021
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Edith Wairimu for Readers' Favorite

Lazarus of Bethany: Uncovering the Theology Behind Jesus Raising Lazarus From the Dead (Organic Faith Book 3) by Scott Douglas is a humorous and concise Christian study focused on the biblical character of Lazarus. Based on the Gospel book of John, the work explains that Jesus did many miraculous works besides those recorded in the Bible. It further explains how those that appear are included for a reason. The work studies biblical texts and other accounts regarding the miracle and unpacks details about Lazarus such as who he was, where he was from, the location of where his tomb is presumed to have been, and his later life after his resurrection. It also discusses the lessons that can be learned from the account.

Lazarus of Bethany is informative as it also examines other sources that contain the story of Lazarus and how various Christian denominations view the account. It also contains other interesting elements such as a list of the sites related to Lazarus that can be found in different parts of the world such as the Cathedral of Saint Lazarus of Autun in France. Its explanations are told with humor which makes it engaging. The book also contains discussion questions that are helpful in recalling the lessons and discussions in the main text. The lessons it draws are profound as it examines other accounts of the resurrection of the dead in the New and Old Testaments and uncovers enlightening revelation from the resurrection. Lazarus of Bethany is an illuminating Christian work that draws important lessons from the raising of Lazarus by Jesus.