Leaders Look Within

Own Your Heart to Live a Life of Gratitude

Non-Fiction - Motivational
134 Pages
Reviewed on 06/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

Leaders Look Within: Own Your Heart to Live a Life of Gratitude by Brent Pohlman is an insightful book that provides an idea about the perspective of potential leaders and their emotional development. The author relates how he handles both a rapidly growing business and the emotional stress that comes with looking after parents with serious health complications. The book guides the reader through different elements of self-leadership, focusing on the concept of claiming one’s heart as well as embracing and living a life of thankfulness. While stressing the value of family and religion in a person's quest to become a better leader, the book also addresses a variety of other subjects, such as strategic planning, transformation, and peace. It is a touching read for anyone who wants to enhance their leadership knowledge through inner transformation.

Brent Pohlman writes clearly and concisely to make it easier for readers to understand what he is saying and to apply the ideas that he presents. With a focus on storytelling, readers can relate to him and his outlook on life in a more personal manner. The division of the book and the assignment of simple practical exercises facilitate the reinforcement of the topics under consideration. The author's focus on gratitude and emotions differentiates this book from other leadership books and makes it a worthwhile read for those who practice ethical and empathic leadership. Readers who consider themselves leaders and want to better themselves should read Leaders Look Within. It is an incredibly inspiring and compelling book.