Leaders People Love

The Agile Leader's Guide to Creating Great Workplaces and Happy Employees

Non-Fiction - Self Help
366 Pages
Reviewed on 10/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

In Leaders People Love: The Agile Leader's Guide to Creating Great Workplaces and Happy Employees, Yeo Chuen Chuen addresses the challenges leaders face, beginning with concepts such as the "Peter's Plateau," which restricts skill acquisition. Yeo leans into the importance of agile leadership, self-discovery, and alignment with personal values, while also considering generational workforce needs. She talks about how fear can inhibit innovation, citing research linking fear of criticism to reluctance to embrace new ideas. Yeo also outlines strategies for effective stakeholder management, focusing on building relationships to enable change and collaboration. Trust is identified as critical for engagement, with authenticity and transparent communication necessary for its development. Yeo speaks on the significance of continuous learning and adaptability, urging leaders to foster diverse perspectives and simplify complexities to enhance decision-making and overall organizational effectiveness.

Leaders People Love by Yeo Chuen Chuen is an outstanding guide for leaders aiming to build more inclusive, engaged, and high-performing teams. I found her Five Inner Voices strategy to be unique and powerful, but there is more that sets her book apart from other leadership guides. Yeo's writing is clear, accessible, and supported by relatable examples, making what she delivers actionable, and relatively easy to apply. I personally thought the section on the importance of neurodiversity to be timely, and she does well in leveraging diverse perspectives into fuel for creativity. As someone who manages with the civil service, which has adopted what I thought was a strong inclusivity culture, I can now go back to the table with additional ways to grow. Growth for me as a leader, and the department as a model. Overall, Yeo's book is filled with thoughtful and thought-provoking advice for leaders committed to driving both individual and organizational growth. Very highly recommended.