Life After

Fiction - Drama
74 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lit Amri for Readers' Favorite

Micah Halley is living the high life with her movie producer boyfriend, James Larsen. Yet her life of fame and wealth starts to crumble when she meets her past lover, Chris Colton. From that point on, her painful and dark past starts catching up with her. Written by RayGa, Life After is a poignant tale of heartaches and dreams.

Author RayGa introduces us to the protagonist Micah Halley, who is under a rehab stint due to drugs, alcoholism, and depression following her split from her beau. Sad childhood, dumped by her true love, worked as a stripper in Las Vegas, Micah struggles against the harsh reality of life until she made it to Hollywood. I could easily see Life After as a television film or even a drama series. It is inevitable to come up with this cinematic conclusion. I find the pacing of the story is pretty fast for a drama fiction. On the other hand, it is adequate for a story with less than eighty pages. All the characters are believable with flaws that can easily be compared with real people.

Effortlessly, this could be the story of any female celebrity today. The plot is a familiar one; even so it is still well-written and woven excellently until the end. Prose is readable and fairly clean with little foul language or sexual scenes. Happiness is not predominant here but angst is. Thus, it might not suit some readers who heavily prefer love-and-happiness sort of novels. All in all, a solid quick read.