Lightning Strikes Twice

Discover the Private Face of Public Universities

Fiction - Drama
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 08/22/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Lightning Strikes Twice: Discover the Private Face of Public Universities by Mac O’Shea is listed as fiction-drama, an engrossingly, exciting, and entertaining read, the first story in the Ivory Tower Trilogy. It’s a tale that explores man’s contact with his humanity, the idiosyncrasies of those called to lead, a strong answer to the hard questions of truth and evil, and the endless longing for the road to take. The narrator starts in the first person voice and draws the reader in irresistibly, with beautiful memories of childhood, moments walking hand in hand with mom, to the graduation from Isabella Morris Primary School. Then suddenly readers are introduced to life in college with compelling characters like Diana, JP, and a host of others. Life isn’t the sunshine that childhood promised, one has to navigate through the caprices of those who will buy sex with a morsel of bread. The author makes readers see what many people who are involved in higher education would love to keep in the closet. But who suffers more?

Lightning Strikes Twice: Discover the Private Face of Public Universities is a powerful commentary on what goes on behind the scenes of public universities, the sex, the complexities, and the dirty politics in university campuses. The prose is titillating and beautiful, and the overall writing is laced with vivid and powerful reflections on life. For instance, on the opening page of this beautiful narrative, Mac O’Shea writes: “As I crossed this significant milestone in the aging process, I was in transition between the toys of a boy and the tools of a man.” Apart from the realities exposed in this book, the multilayered conflicts, the struggle of the protagonist to rise above the limits of control, there is a voice, loud and strident, that beckons the reader to receive the timely message of this book. Mac O’Shea is a gifted writer whose writing will read like hip hop to many readers.