Living at the Edge of the World


Children - Adventure
154 Pages
Reviewed on 06/09/2024
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Author Biography

Suzanne works in communications for agriculture and is passionate about sustainable farming and keen to bridge the urban knowledge gap concerning ecology. Through her creative work, she writes children's stories revolve around nature and animals, always incorporating the latest trends and themes to captivate young minds.

Based in Lyon, France she lives with her partner and son, drawing inspiration from her English countryside roots and her love for Scotland and the scenic Shetland Islands. This touch of inter-cultural magic resonates with young and parental readers alike, infusing her narratives with an irresistible charm.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Christine Nguyen for Readers' Favorite

Living at the Edge of the World: Winter by S. J. Barratt is a children’s action/adventure story that follows twelve-year-old twins, Tabitha and Timothy, from London to the remote Shetland island of Papala in Scotland with a population of thirty people. Their parents go on a world cruise, leaving them with their Great-Uncle Tamhas for three months in the winter. Timothy is a walking encyclopedia, excited to learn and discover the island's treasures from the many species of birds and wildlife to the daily life of the villagers. Tabitha is aghast about the time warp of the island, especially the limited wi-fi. She is addicted to following her mother’s footsteps in becoming a world-famous influencer on social media, constantly posting on her phone. Tabitha slowly learns to “unplug” with the help of new friends to start living in the real world.

Author S.J. Barratt pens a very wholesome and captivating series that is highly entertaining and educational. Readers learn about the intricate and fascinating customs, culture, and traditions of Papala in a fun and exciting storyline. I loved learning about the island’s Viking history, the Scottish dialect, and the annual celebrations that broadened my knowledge. Children of all ages will learn about the diversity of the world around them and the differences that exist. They learn that differences between people do not have to be bad, but can be good and interesting. Barratt expertly draws young readers into an enchanting world of rich history in Living at the Edge of the World: Winter.