Loss of the Unguarded

Descendants of Angels Book 1

Young Adult - Paranormal
342 Pages
Reviewed on 06/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Loss of the Unguarded is the first book in the Descendants of Angels series by Tracy Daley. This imaginative and exciting paranormal young adult novel will have you sitting on the edge of your seat until the end. Treadon Nelson is a high school football star with a bright future but things changed dramatically. He met the enigmatic Ellie, and he could not help falling for her. However, when he confesses, she rejects him. Treadon had no idea that Ellie was not normal. She was one of the Descendants of Angels. She rejected Treadon to protect him from the Triune, a group of demons with one goal: to eliminate the Descendants once and for all. Despite her trying, Treadon was caught in the mess, and now his life was in danger. He was caught in the battle between good and evil. However, he had no idea that, in doing so, he would become Ellie's guardian and expose his friends and family to things that were best kept hidden.

Fast-paced, action-packed, and incredibly well-written, Loss of the Unguarded had everything I expected. I loved the narrative style and the vivid descriptions. Author Tracy Daley made sure she had my attention from the get-go. I loved Treadon, his reactions, and how much he relied on his emotions. Ellie was a little hard to understand and reach, but I fell in love with her as the story progressed. She was enigmatic and very mentally strong. They complemented each other, and that made me like the story more. The world-building was fantastic; there was never a moment in the story when I felt lost or confused. This is the perfect young adult novel that I have been waiting for all year, and I finally got it. Highly recommended!