Lost and Found

A Journey of Self Mastery

Non-Fiction - Self Help
260 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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Author Biography

I'm a husband, father, grandfather and servant leader who loves a good story and finds humor and a silver lining in almost any situation. My career path has been about as non-linear and all over the place as you can imagine. I've served as a USMarine, shoed horses, been a massage therapist, executive leader and yoga therapist to name a few. I believe we're here to grow and evolve throughout our lives and fully acknowledge things get in the way. I wrote this book to make a positive difference in peoples lives.
After being in leadership and leadership development for 30 years, I'm still called to serve in a way that helps people grow. This book is my attempt to reach people where they're at and give people a story that is entertaining, relatable and filled with take-aways.
I truly hope you enjoy it.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In his memoir Lost and Found, Daniel James Blackburn reflects on a transformative vacation suggested by his wife Ann, initially for relaxation from his demanding job. Embracing nature and family time, Blackburn found unexpected solace. He met River, another camper, whose insights on work-life balance resonated deeply. River cautioned against tying self-worth solely to work, urging Blackburn to align his habits with his true purpose. This conversation prompted reflection, leading to changes in work habits and a renewed appreciation for family. Implementing mindfulness and empathy in the workplace reinforced his commitment to prioritizing people over goals. River’s influence shaped Blackburn’s leadership philosophy, emphasizing team boundaries and trust. Blackburn’s journey included somatic practices and life planning, fostering clarity and intentional living. Amid uncertainties, reflection and meditation provided guidance and solace, enriching his perspective on life’s abundance and personal growth.

In Lost and Found: A Journey of Self Mastery, Daniel James Blackburn does a good job of exploring themes such as purpose, identity, and the human condition by posing existential questions and inviting readers down his personal series of paths and choices. The writing is primarily in word-for-word quoted dialogue, mostly between Blackburn and River, and it is unclear whether the conversations were recorded, or if Blackburn is hyperthymestic. Whichever is the case, it is remarkable and a testament to how much River's mentorship embedded all that he said into Blackburn. Still, memoirs are only effective when they not only recount experiences but also reflect on their significance and application to broader life lessons. The standout to me was that Blackburn shows how he is applying lessons learned, for example, from the movement practice to their interactions and perceptions, which pushes the memoir's relevance beyond the specific events described. There's much to be learned here and Blackburn delivers it well. It was a delight to read.