Love At Hailey's Comet

An Alex Yates Story

Romance - Suspense
220 Pages
Reviewed on 06/25/2024
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Author Biography

I spent nearly ten years in the US Air Force in the Security Police/Forces career field. I enjoy police/law enforcement and military dramas, especially ones that have a strong female lead.

I enjoy volunteering with The American Legion, a veterans service organization.

I've been filling in some gaps of my series, The Sam Barrett Ops and had an idea for a new character, Alex Yates. Love at Hailey's Comet is a stand-alone novella but fills in one of those gaps in The Sam Barrett Ops.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Love At Hailey's Comet is a mystery drama by Kimberly A. Biggerstaff. Alexandra 'Alex' Yates is not just an Air Force OSI agent stationed at the MacDill Air Force Base; she is also playing the main lead in an independent movie being shot at a studio in Tampa, Florida. The studio's owner, Jack Hailey, is a former cop with whom Alex is currently romantically involved. When an airman from the MacDill base working at the studio dies under mysterious circumstances, Alex and her partner Robby are assigned to the case. As they delve into the investigation, they discover someone is watching Alex and Jack's activities. Meanwhile, Jack falls into the clutches of a cunning woman. Can Alex and her friends rescue Jack and solve the case?

A crime thriller laced with romance, drama, and intrigue, Love At Hailey's Comet is a blast to read. Kimberly A. Biggerstaff has crafted a fast-paced plot filled with snappy dialogue, suspense, and a few twists and turns that pull the rug from under your feet. Apart from Alex and Jack's romance, Alex and Robby's friendship and the dynamic between the agents were some of my favorite parts of the book. The narrative is a breeze to read as the author keeps moving the plot swiftly, never letting the tempo drop even momentarily. I think the ending will take most readers by surprise. If you're a fan of whodunit murder mysteries with a heavy dose of romance, this is the book for you. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and you will too.