
History with a Twist of Fiction

Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
300 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Olga Markova for Readers' Favorite

Messerschmitt: History, with a Twist of Fiction by L. K. Tompkins is a fabulous spy thriller. The story unfolds in 1995. We meet Jack Kirkpatrick, a covert intelligence agent, as he sets off on a new covert and sensitive mission that requires a delicate approach. Intelligence suspects that Israel’s International Institute for Counter-Terrorism is developing electromagnetic weapons in the Czech Republic. Jack’s mission is to travel there in the guise of a professor who will teach Western management at a Czech sewing machine manufacturing company and find out where, what, and who is developing that military technology. MI6 is sending Eva Fridrich, an interpreter in the Secret Intelligence Service, to join Jack and assist him in his mission. But will Jack succeed?

Reading Messerschmitt by L.K. Tompkins, I enjoyed the seamless and flawless coordination among MI6, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies. Revisiting my favorite city of Prague with Jack and Eva, I marveled at the historical perspective of Prague’s relics. I enjoyed learning about Czech history and culture. I also re-discovered Berlin from a new, historical angle. The photographs were a special treat and enhanced the narrative’s authenticity. Adding to the virtues of this brilliant work, the humor revolving around the differences between British and American English was next to none. As I look forward to reading the sequel, I highly recommend this unputdownable novel to adventure and spy thriller fans. Readers interested in the history of Eastern Europe, particularly the Czech Republic, will also enjoy this awesome read.