Miracles and Ghosts

A Christmas Collection

Fiction - Anthology
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Miracles and Ghosts by D.L. Finn is a collection of Christmas tales that blend dark themes with festive cheer. In A Perfect Ghostly Christmas, Julia returns home during the festive season after surviving a car crash that took her grandparents seventeen years ago. Upon her return, she uncovers clues in their home that lead her to suspect that her grandparents' accident may have been a murder—and that she might be next on the killer’s list. The collection also features poignant stories, such as one about a woman reclaiming her life after escaping a toxic relationship, and another about a grieving man mourning the loss of his beloved cat. Heartwarming moments, like an anonymous gift in the emergency room, add to the warmth of the tales. There are thought-provoking narratives addressing societal issues, including mass shootings and divorce, as well as a haunting story of a woman dealing with the death of her husband. Additionally, the bonus tale about Billy, who steals a bike for Christmas, brings a layer of youthful mischief and transformation.

Christmas is a time for celebration and being with loved ones, but it can also bring unresolved emotions to the surface and expose hidden truths. D.L. Finn's Miracles and Ghosts delves into the haunting aspects of Christmas like family ghosts, and unexpected losses, while still embracing festive themes of cheer, miracles, giving, love, and family bonds. Each story is unique and filled with suspense, keeping readers engaged and reflective. I appreciate how the book explores personal struggles and social issues, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the characters' journeys. The book's themes of loss, resilience, and redemption will resonate with many, offering a new perspective on the holiday season. Overall, Miracles and Ghosts is an enjoyable read, and I highly recommend it to anyone who appreciates stories that explore both the joy and sorrow of Christmas.