
Children - Picture Book
30 Pages
Reviewed on 09/20/2024
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Author Biography

Veronica Saretsky lives in rural Saskatchewan and loves to garden. The deer living in the area love to visit her garden for meals and inspired this double-edged tale, one of the Mommy deer trying to get her baby to try the Marigolds and one of the gardener who loses all her blooms!
When not writing stories, Veronica likes to play the ukelele, read books and play pickleball.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

MMM...Marigolds! is a delightful children's picture book with a charming story and a clever way to address picky eating. Veronica Saretsky introduces us to Mommy Deer and her little fawn as they explore a garden filled with delicious plants. However, the fawn isn’t interested in every item on the menu—especially marigolds, which the fawn thinks are absolutely "Yuck! Yuck! Yucky!" MMM...Marigolds! is simple but engaging and effectively speaks to children and adults. Parents who have struggled to get their kids to try new foods will find the theme relatable and endearing. Young readers will love the repetitive, rhythmic text, perfect for early reading skills. The narrative is straightforward, yet its underlying message about being open to new experiences is subtly woven in without being preachy.

One of the standout features of MMM...Marigolds! is Patricia Braga's illustrations. The pictures complement the storyline and add an extra layer of humor. While the text focuses on the deer's feast, the illustrations provide a different perspective—the frustration of the hard-working gardener who is less than thrilled about the uninvited guests munching on their carefully tended plants. This dual perspective adds depth and a touch of light-heartedness that both children and adults will appreciate. Including a search-and-find element, with ladybugs hidden in the illustrations, is a fantastic addition. It encourages kids to engage more deeply with the book and helps develop observation skills. I love children’s books that are not only fun but provide multiple lessons, and Veronica Saretsky did an excellent job with both.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Grandma’s garden is in for an invasion of sorts. Mommy Deer and her fawn have entered the garden, seeking yummy foods to eat. But the fawn is rather a fussy eater. In Veronica Saretsky’s MMM…Marigolds!, Mommy Deer tries to encourage her fawn to try the marigolds. The fawn will have nothing to do with the marigolds; they’re “Yuck! Yuck! Yucky!” The fawn prefers the “pink petunias, purple pansies, red poppies, and white peonies.” While Mommy Deer devours the marigolds, her baby devours her favorites. The illustrations say it all: the devastation of Grandma’s garden is enough to break any gardener’s heart.

Veronica Saretsky’s picture book, MMM…Marigolds!, is a fun read, hopefully one to encourage picky eaters to be adventurous and try eating something different. The language is simple to help young readers follow along and improve their reading skills. There are several repeated sentences and words that youngsters should start to recognize as the story moves along. For example, many of the pages begin with “Mommy Deer and her baby went to the garden for dinner.” And, Mommy Deer’s persistent suggestion that her baby try the marigolds. Young readers will be chuckling at the baby’s “Yucky” response and mimicking its voice. The illustrations by Patricia F. Braga are superb and enrich the story with lots for children to look for, including the ladybug hiding in the pictures. This is a great way to teach young readers about deer and gardens while addressing the difficult issue of picky eating habits.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

MMM...Marigolds! is a picture book by Veronica Saretsky. After working in her garden in the morning, the gardener goes inside her house. Mama and Baby Deer arrive at the beautiful garden full of flowers and garden gnome statues. Mama Deer prompts Baby Deer to eat some marigolds, but Baby Deer refuses. She tries again, but the fawn declines throughout the day. The young deer eats every flower in the garden, except the marigolds. Mama Deer tries to demonstrate the goodness of the flower, but the young deer refuses to eat the marigolds. Young readers can discover a ladybug on each page as an additional activity.

Veronica Saretsky has delivered a colorful book with sweet animals. The pictures at the beginning and end bring a trace of humor to the story as the gardener leaves a flourishing garden but returns to a decimated patch of dirt. Caregivers and children who try to grow flowers or food around wildlife can sympathize with the gardener. As they read, children will learn about several types of flowers, like poppies, pansies, and petunias. I thought the mother deer was going to convince her baby to like the marigolds, but I found a deeper lesson: you shouldn't force anyone to eat something they truly don't enjoy. This story would be a good bedtime tale or a great book to have on hand in a restaurant while you wait with a child who may be impatient or a picky eater. Children who enjoy tales with animals will love MMM....Marigolds!

P. Rosenthal

In Veronica Saretsky's MMM…Marigolds!, against a bright blue sky, a charming bungalow home with a columned front porch is nestled in a beautiful garden. A skilled gardener has meticulously planned and labored to create a delightful array of colorful flowers, making it a visual treat. Even a mother deer and her fawn are drawn to the garden, treating it as their private buffet of delectable delicacies. The mother deer does not hesitate in choosing her favorite flower. Her fawn, however, is a picky eater and decides she does not like what her mommy likes. She turns up her nose at it and decides on a different flower. Despite the mother deer’s coaxing, her fawn is obstinate. Will Mommy Deer succeed in getting her fawn to try something new?

MMM…Marigolds! relies on repetition, making it ideal for encouraging early reading skills. Veronica Saretsky also effectively uses a hidden item in the pages for readers to seek and find. Together these two elements create an engaging book for young readers. But Saretsky does not stop there. She brilliantly builds a story around a topic most children can relate to—being pressured to try yucky food. The horror! Warning: This book may be requested over, and over, and over again. The illustrations by Patricia F. Braga are bold, colorful, and welcoming. The detailed images enhance the text beautifully, and each page helps move the story forward. MMM…Marigolds! will appeal to picky eaters of all ages. So, grab a bowl of your favorite treat and enjoy a good read!