Model Wave

The Backyard Model Mysteries Book Two

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
324 Pages
Reviewed on 06/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Model Wave by TK Sheffield is the second book in The Backyard Model Mysteries and is set in the Land of Lakes, Fish Fries, and the Mysterious Hodag, the legendary monster of the Wisconsin Northwoods. It follows a retired fashion model as she tries to date and form a romantic connection with a handsome sheriff while attempting to solve a potential murder. Mel Tower, a current art mall owner, is on vacation in the Northwoods to mend her friendship with Susan. When the mysterious death of a businessman interrupts her first date with the sheriff, Cole Lawrence, everything changes. Mel learns that her friend Susan is a suspect and needs to find out if the businessman was murdered or the victim of an accident. Can Mel and Cole have a relationship? Will they let some unfortunate events ruin their chance at a permanent commitment? Do opposites attract? Does timing matter in romantic relationships?

Model Wave: Romance, Boats, and Funny Business in the Wisconsin Northwoods is a suspenseful, humorous mystery with appealing characters and a gripping plot that keeps you turning the pages. It's the perfect recipe for a delectable reading experience and a must-have in everyone's summer beach bag. This book immediately draws you in with its setting, charm, and intrigue. If you ever want to treat yourself to a funny, cozy mystery, this book is for you. It works exceptionally well as a stand-alone mystery, but it definitely whets your appetite for the whole series. TK Sheffield knows how to write engaging stories to keep her readers' attention. This is a highly enjoyable beach-read mystery!

Antoinette Wessels

In Model Wave: The Backyard Model Mysteries Book Two, by T.K. Sheffield, Mel Tower spends the summer on the shores of Northwoods Lake. She and Max, her trusted canine companion, visited the lake for well-deserved rest and relaxation. She also hoped to spend quality time with her good friend, Susan Victory, but unfortunately, Susan was too busy drinking to spend time with her. With the extra time, Mel meets the dashing Sheriff Cole Lawrence. On their first date, they go for frozen custard, but one mishap after the other occurs, and when their date is cut short due to a murder, things take a turn for the worse. Mel wants to stay out of the case, especially after last year’s situation. But before long, she finds herself entangled in the mystery when her friend Susan is implicated.

If you're a lover of all things mystery and crime but need something a little lighter with a bucketful of humor, you can trust T.K. Sheffield to deliver a satisfying read. From start to finish, Model Wave had me laughing out loud with all the witty puns. I have to applaud the author for their ability to have a pun ready for every situation. The characters are delightful, and they come alive on the pages of this novel. Each has a quirky personality. There wasn’t a moment while reading that I felt like skipping; each moment of this story was a delight. The setting in a small town near a lake adds to the enjoyment. Discovering how the characters enjoy themselves on pontoons makes you want to visit a lake as soon as possible. The cherry on top is that Lou's carrot muffin recipe is included at the end of the book. You will want to taste it once you have read this book.

Priya Mathew

Model Wave by T K Sheffield is a cozy mystery set in the heart of the Wisconsin Northwoods. The main protagonist, Mel Tower, a retired fashion model, is on a vacation in the Northwoods. Her peaceful getaway has an unexpected outcome when her first date with the handsome local Sheriff Cole Lawrence turns into a disaster as she finds herself embroiled in another murder mystery. The witnesses identify her friend Susan as the prime suspect in the murder of the local restaurant owner, Curtis Grey, who they discovered murdered on his boat. As Mel and her friends participate in the games organized for the local ‘The Deliveree’ competition, they also have to race against time to uncover the mystery to clear her friend’s name.

Model Wave, the second book in The Backyard Model Mysteries by TK Sheffield, has a good mix of mystery, romance, and self-discovery. Although I felt like the pace of the story in the mid-section was a bit slow, the overall momentum of the narrative was good and kept the story moving forward. Among the characters, I found Mel Tower, the protagonist in her 40s, offering an interesting contrast to many other amateur sleuths who are usually depicted as being in their 20s or early 30s. The dynamics and interactions between the characters felt genuine and heartwarming, making it easy to become invested in their lives and relationships. Although this is a cozy mystery, T K Sheffield has added introspective moments and light-hearted scenes, adding to the overall charm of the storyline. Overall, Model Wave is an enjoyable read for fans of cozy mysteries and contemporary romance.