My Pancreas Needs Glasses

Children - Grade 4th-6th
40 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

My Pancreas Needs Glasses is a children’s picture book written and illustrated by Rhonda Goodall. It tells the story of Zach and his younger brother, Julian, who has Type 1 Diabetes. Zach admires Julian for taking care of his health and being brave by taking shots and rarely complaining. One day, they meet a diverse group of people with various health issues during a walk. They encounter people with hearing impairments, others with heart conditions, and even someone with an artificial leg. Despite their differences, they all share a common bond - the need for constant care and support to manage their conditions, just like Julian. Readers can join these two brothers on their educational walk and learn about different health conditions with them.

My Pancreas Needs Glasses is an outstanding book that addresses Type 1 Diabetes in a way that is relatable and accessible to young readers. Author Rhonda Goodall cleverly uses the analogy of the pancreas needing glasses to explain the condition, demystifying it, and enabling children to feel more comfortable and informed about their own or a loved one's health. The book also educates children about various health conditions, fostering empathy and understanding for those facing similar challenges. Its relatable analogies and colorful illustrations make it engaging and easy to follow. The word search activity and questions at the end provide additional learning opportunities. Most importantly, the book teaches valuable lessons about embracing differences and having a positive attitude when living with chronic illnesses, making it a must-read for children and parents alike.