Nile The Crocodile

Children - General
32 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Nile The Crocodile is a children’s picture book written and illustrated by Raizy Goffman. It tells the story of Nile, the biggest and happiest crocodile who loves playing with his friends by the river. One day, he meets an impressive eel named Erwin, who has incredibly smooth and shiny skin. Nile feels insecure about his scaly skin and wishes he had skin like Erwin's. He asks Erwin to help him have smooth skin and goes on an adventure to a famous skin gym. The workers work on Nile for hours and help him get the smooth shiny skin he desires, but soon he discovers the problems that come with not having scaly skin. Join Nile as he learns that his scaly skin has a purpose and is useful in his daily life.

Nile The Crocodile is a charming story that teaches children the importance of self-acceptance and embracing their unique qualities. Kids will also learn a valuable lesson about appreciating and loving themselves for who they are, rather than wishing to be something they are not. Raizy Goffman uses a friendly tone and rhyming phrases to narrate the story, keeping it entertaining and engaging. The vibrant illustrations are captivating, with clear lines and well-defined details that make it easy for young readers to follow along. The greenery and natural landscape add a sense of wonder and tranquility, while the beautiful creatures bring the story to life. The overall aesthetic is engaging and visually appealing, making it a delightful read for children. Finally, the themes of confidence and self-acceptance are essential for young readers, and I recommend sharing this charming book with your little ones to help them develop a positive self-image.