No Time To Waste

Eco Warriors, book 2

Children - Grade 4th-6th
216 Pages
Reviewed on 07/27/2024
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Author Biography

I’m an award-winning author of middle grade fiction. A former educator and now an imperfect environmentalist, I blend my love of travel and animal well-being into my stories. The Eco Warriors series is a call to action—helping kids transform their eco-anxiety into eco-action.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

No Time To Waste is the second book in the Eco Warriors series by Carolyn Armstrong. Sydney and her sister Sierra are eleven-year-old twins who recently returned home from a trip to the Arctic, where they helped save some polar bears. Paying heed to a message from a bird they met in Svalbard, the twins arrive in Monterey Bay in search of another keystone species. After helping an otter get rid of a plastic ring stuck around its leg, Sydney tries to decipher the message of an otter she named Sunny. Soon, she and her sister learn more about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and help a whale get free from a fishing net. In a race against time, the sisters must develop a prototype to take out the microplastics clustered in the ocean.

No Time To Waste takes young readers on an enthralling oceanic odyssey. Author Carolyn Armstrong tells a captivating tale with an increasingly relevant message about plastic pollution and marine life conservation. The book features eleven-year-old twin sisters as the main characters, alongside some quirky and immensely adorable sea creatures, including a few otters and a gigantic blue whale that animal lovers are bound to enjoy. Sydney and Sierra have distinct personalities and strengths, and they use these to cover for each other and complete their missions. Young readers will definitely relate to them, and they will find the twins' determination to work toward saving the oceans inspirational. Books like these are a must-read for kids nowadays with the growing challenge of climate change and environmental pollution. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and can't recommend it highly enough.