Non-Fiction for Newbies

How to Write a Factual Book and Actually Kind of Enjoy It

Non-Fiction - Writing/Publishing
122 Pages
Reviewed on 09/04/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

“Nonfiction indeed comes from a place of reality. It may be spun, twisted, distorted, edited, or even censored, but somewhere in there is a real person, place, or situation.” Based on fact, any form of writing, including nonfiction, requires thorough research and intense attention to detail. In other words, writing nonfiction can be overwhelming. But Lauren Bingham’s book, Non-Fiction for Newbies: How to Write a Factual Book and Actually Kind of Enjoy It, will help writers weave a path through the quagmire of reality and get the book written. The author freely shares her experiences and provides useful tips on the different genres, and how to bring the material alive in the writing itself so that it’s interesting (as well as informative) to read.

Lauren Bingham’s book, Non-Fiction for Newbies, is a great resource for all writers, from those just thinking about writing their first book to the seasoned and well-published writer. There’s always new information that will help writers formulate and launch their first big writing project and this book has it all. Following an introduction in which the author shares personal experiences in writing, some humorous and others intense and thought-provoking, the chapters follow logically through a number of useful topics including what makes good nonfiction, what’s the difference between biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs, travel writing and writing about history, self-help books, and philosophy with insight analysis. She wraps up the topics with an all-encompassing conclusion and provides numerous helpful resources at the end of the book. This is a must-have and very helpful book for all writers.