Not Everything Happens for a Reason

Finding Peace in the Gray Areas of a Polarized World

Non-Fiction - Self Help
193 Pages
Reviewed on 02/25/2020
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Not Everything Happens For A Reason: Finding Peace in the Gray Areas of a Polarized World is a work of non-fiction in the self-help genre, written for adults by author Rebecca Janes, LMHC. This concise but information-packed guidebook focuses on the idea of retaining some kind of control over one’s life when unpredictable things happen, especially in light of those who have perhaps lost their faith in the idea of destiny or, as the title suggests, everything happening for a reason. Designed for readers no matter their faith or belief system, the author seeks to help them find peace despite the relative chaos around them in the modern world.

Author Rebecca Janes has produced a sensitive and thoughtful guide to life which touches on some of the most fundamental existential crises that we often face as part of the human condition but does so in an accessible way that minimizes fear. The narrative style is professional but with softer edges to aid this accessible tone, having all the confidence of a counselor but with the compassion of a friend. The ten chapters are well organized to flow through the different stages of thoughts, anxieties and belief systems that we all experience or consider at some point, and I especially like the ‘shades of grey’ metaphor to the notion of truth itself, which was very poignant. Overall, Not Everything Happens For A Reason: Finding Peace in the Gray Areas of a Polarized World is a volume that is sure to help those who really need it.