

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
454 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

One•Life: Ameno is a work of fiction in the metaphysical and psychological fiction subgenres. It is best suited to the adult reading audience for its content and conceptual base and was penned by author Blaze Dendukuri. In this fascinating abstract work that takes a cold hard look at the current political and social climate in our world, we see life through the eyes of a Godlike figure who feels powerless despite his ability to control space. The narrative follows the life of our protagonist, Artorius, as he makes his observations about the world he sees and decides to act; we see his action escalate and amplify as terror and doom seem inevitable everywhere he turns.

Author Blaze Dendukuri gives readers a lot to think about in this exciting high-concept thriller. I was really impressed with the way he handles the different layers of action and suspense, whilst there are immediate exciting moments with sudden twists and sharp realizations, there’s also a slower, more sinister plot bubbling up underneath as time and space pass Artorius by. I also enjoyed the surrealism of the narrative, taking us into the mind of a character who feels distinctly more than human, with an elevated viewpoint that is as chilling as it is original. This amplifies the sinister tone of the psychological thriller aspects really well as it makes it difficult to ever predict what Artorius will do or say next. Overall, if you’re looking for an accomplished metaphysical novel with a startling narrator and something poignant to say about today’s world, look no further than One•Life: Ameno.