
Wardens Book 3

Fiction - Science Fiction
518 Pages
Reviewed on 06/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Outcasts is a work of fiction in the science fiction, action, and adventure genres, and is the third novel in the Wardens book series. The work is best suited to mature readers owing to the presence of graphic violence and strong language. Penned by author Jonathan Staten, the story begins as Elizabeth Stone returns to confront her traumatic past seven years after leaving Sunvale. Haunted by guilt and nightmares of those she couldn't save, Elizabeth finds a chance to heal. Meanwhile, the Wardens, who had enjoyed peace since the fall of Victus, face a new threat after a massacre in Sephria. As they tackle this new foe, an old enemy lurks in the shadows, reminding them that the past always catches up, no matter the time or universe.

Author Jonathan Staten utilizes suspense and cinematic action description to craft a riveting read that seamlessly blends high-stakes drama and a surprising amount of emotional depth. Elizabeth Stone's journey from battling her inner demons to finding a path toward healing was both compelling and inspiring, and I adored the close narrative viewpoint that let us into her every thought and emotion. The vivid depictions of her struggles and the weight of her guilt add a profound strength to her character that makes her instantly likable, allowing me to connect deeply and root for her through every twist of the plot. The Wardens’ return to action after the massacre in Sephria reignited the series' tension, with the new foe presenting fresh challenges and keeping the drama at a high level throughout. But I also really enjoyed the intertwining of Elizabeth's personal redemption arc with the Wardens' broader mission, keeping us emotionally invested at ground level whilst also creating a dynamic big-picture narrative that makes you feel like there’s a lot more at stake and a lot more to come in this fascinating world. Overall, Outcasts is a highly recommended read for fans of intense sci-fi adventures with a gripping lead character to really root for.