
Short Speculative Fiction

Fiction - Anthology
307 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Lisa Fox brings readers another absorbing collection of 27 short stories with Passageways. A mother mourns the loss of a genetically-engineered child, sacrificed to give her beloved daughter a new lease on life. An elderly artist on her deathbed channels her creative spirit with the help of a companion who seeks to alleviate her suffering with a fulfilling dreamscape. In an alternate reality, the Titanic reaches America, and one of the violinists onboard sets out in search of revenge for his broken heart. While searching for her missing sister in an alley, a young girl comes across the door that has haunted her childhood for years. A nursing bot is sent to the dentist after her charge leaves home for university. A man on the Ganymede Moon makes peace with the harsh realities of life in the colony.

Lisa Fox uses the genres of sci-fi, horror, and fantasy in the fashion of a true master to tell riveting stories that leave you with a lot to think about. The tales in Passageways are dark, mysterious, and poignant. These stories evoke a wide range of emotions in the reader. Whether it's heartbreak, horror, bittersweet acceptance, or melancholy, Fox's storytelling taps into the innermost feelings and thoughts residing in the deepest corners of your heart and mind. The prose is excellent, and each story has something unique to offer to the overall narrative. The endings always take you by surprise in one way or the other. All in all, this book is tailor-made for readers of speculative fiction of the very highest quality. As someone who loves anything related to sci-fi or fantasy, I couldn't have enjoyed this anthology more. Highly recommended!